31/12/2023, 07:51

– The decision was announced on December 27. In fact, we expected it and regret it. We didn't deal with politics – says Dominik Zdort (screen YouTube.com/Telewizja wPolce)

The new management of Telewizja Polska is giving up the online magazine Tygodnik TVP, which was headed by Dominik Zdorty.

“The authorities of Telewizja Polska have decided to stop TVP Weekly from the new year, both in Polish and foreign language versions. Therefore, this edition is the last,” Tygodnik.tvp.pl's website said on Friday, December. 29. Journalistic, socio-cultural and historical materials, reports, interviews and columns were published every week.

“Thank you for reading, I leave with the feeling that we have managed to create a kind of community of interest in civilization, international and cultural problems, as well as simply culture, history and science,” the note reads. .

– The decision was announced on December 27. In fact, we expected it and regret it. We were not involved in politics, – says Dominik Zdort with “Preserve”. – In theory we were told it was an “indefinite suspension”, but when the contracts expire on December 31st, that means we are no longer working. I have not received an offer of further cooperation, so I can neither accept nor reject it – he adds.

Dominik Zdort worked in “Rzhechpospolita” in 2006-2016. He joined TVP in February 2017. He was responsible for the Tvp.info website, but in August 2017 he was replaced in this position by Samuel Pereira. Tygodnik.tvp.pl, led by Zdort, was launched at the end of November 2017.

“A very good content and editorial project carried out as part of the 'restoration of constitutionality' in the state media – TVP Weekly,” said reviewer Lukasz Varzeca on X Platform. “Avoid current politics, at a very high intellectual level, edited by one of the best editors in Poland.” What caused him to be offended? Perhaps because it was created under the previous TVP government and had a generally conservative profile. That was enough,” Varzecha wrote.

(KOZ, 31/12/2023)

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