Andrzej Duda appealed to Adam Bodnar to release Mackay Vasik and Mariusz Kaminski from serving their sentences. The president cited the initiation of a lengthy and tedious pardon process as a challenge. The Minister of Justice of Donald Tusk's government responded firmly. “At this stage, no other decisions have been made regarding this procedure,” he said.

Bodnar answers Duda. There will be no reduced rate for Wąsik and Kamiński

Adam Bodnar They asked about the case Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kaminski In presenting plans for the reform of the National Council of the Judiciary.

– really, Andrzej Duda The pardon procedure has started. He announced this publicly yesterday and this morning I received the President's letter from the National Prosecutor's Office regarding this matter, the Minister of Justice said.

– In this letter, the President informed about the start of the procedure. The president said he maintained his position regarding the 2015 pardon and the fact that Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic are MPs, he added.

– The President insists that the Attorney General should use the provision that grants a stay of execution until the end of the pardon process. Of course, the Prosecutor General is obliged to initiate the case and request the case materials, he said, adding that he was carrying out these actions.

“At this stage, no other decisions have been made regarding this procedure,” he said.

The article is constantly updated.

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