on Thursday in front of the Sejm A demonstration was held Organized Law and Justice with the slogan “Protest of Free Poles”. According to the police, the rally was peaceful. Before it started, the head of the PiS parliamentary club, Mariusz Blaszczak, and the day before, President Andrzej Duda called for it.

As a rule, in such situations, there were two different reports of attendance. According to the organizers, more than 300,000 people gathered there. people. On the other hand, Warsaw City Hall estimated the number of participants to 35,000.

The editorial team of “Wprost” contacted the Warsaw City Hall with a request to clarify the methodology for estimating the number of participants of the event.

This is how the participants were counted – about 35,000.

In response, officials shared a map that was developed based on “an analysis of yesterday's footage from the city's surveillance cameras.” In this way, the area was determined, which is the basis of the calculations.

– The material shows that the participants of the meeting occupied an area of ​​approximately 18.5 thousand square meters. Square meter. Assuming about two people per square meter because there were structures in the form of a stage, tents and cars, the Warsaw Security Center estimated the number of participants at about 35,000. people. These are, of course, approximate values, but this methodology has been confirmed, – said the spokeswoman of the Warsaw City Hall, Monika Beut, as quoted by Wprost.

PiS protest

What was the reason for holding the rally? PiS representatives argued that the demonstration was a form of opposition to how Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government was taking power over state media, contrary to the provisions of the National Media Act. The protest was also about the detention of PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic in prison. According to PiS, they were arrested illegally because effectively pardoned by the President.

The television company TVN 24 assessed that it was “a demonstration organized by PiS to promote party propaganda and to protect Kaminski and Vesic, who were convicted of breaking the law.”

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