Beautiful Maciej Stuhr is known for his participation in debates on political issues. It is no secret that he supports the current government and strongly criticizes the previous government, i.e. PiS government.

“Lately, the level of the raging waters has fortunately calmed down a bit, it will probably not surprise anyone if I say that I have been breathing different air for several months now, I am glad that the blood is not raging. In me, as it has been in recent years,” he admitted now in an interview with

Stur no longer has to “fight”

Stuhr, asked if she was less willing to raise important issues in the discussion, replied: “I can't give you a clear answer. If Agnieszka Holland is doing 'Green Border,' I am. Come to the set for half a day and after the premiere, the scandal is over.” for two months and with the participation of the highest state authorities. it is difficult No one will stop me because I believe that something should have been said. Of course, when a person goes through such hell or even hell, he does not want to do this all the time, every day. For my mental health, peace and the happiness of my family, I cannot be under fire every day for the rest of my life. I stand on the front line. Besides, I get the impression that I'd become ridiculous pretty quickly then. I think that such emotions should be modest. Fighting is not my cup of tea. Everyday situation is a manifestation of personality.

The actor then expressed his relief at being less actively involved in the current discourse. “Lately, I enjoy the fact that journalists call me or write me to say something about Poland and I tell them to leave me alone. There are so many people talking about Poland today that I can take a short vacation from Polish topics. can leave the front line for a while,” says Makej Steuer.

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Activity at the PiS march. The City Hall indicates how it was evaluated
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“The fight will continue.” Jerzy Zelnik on the protest of free Poles

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