Residents of the country on the Vistula River can see how much progress we have made since we were on the brink as a European country. Today we can say with pride and justified satisfaction that thanks to the Fuehrer elected by the nation and his junta, this country has become as important in America as the country described in the Hollywood movie about Borat…

Because we also have our own Borat, which is better than the Kazakh original! What am I saying! Our Borat beats the Kazakh Borat by three heads, because he is three people: a judge, a prosecutor and a senator at the same time! Not surprisingly, our Borat has already met an American, and not just any American, but Ambassador Brzezinski. It is true that this Brzezinski is not the authentic Zbigniew Brzezinski – but as they say: like a borat, like an ambassador!

After meeting with our Borat, the ambassador, considering the current capabilities of the United States, issued a statement that, however, caused some resentment: “During yesterday's meeting with the Minister of Justice, I had the opportunity to congratulate him on his latest appointment. The United States and Poland share a commitment to the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, which requires constant determination and renewal.”

The resentment is doubtless due to the fact that the Ambassador, in the present capacity of the United States, failed to notice that our Borat had not only been appointed by the Polish-hating Führer as Minister of Justice, but also as Attorney-General – though still a Senator! As the ambassador's statement shows – this is the fact that binds the United States to Poland, and watch how President Biden appoints US senators to government positions – in the name of the progressive rule of law, and President Biden will send the militia. FOX TV and turn off its signal!

There is also a circumstance that proves how much progress has been made in bilateral Polish-US relations since the release of the “Truth Tapes” in 2014. The then (and now!) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radoslav Sikorski, in a recorded conversation with Min. Rostovsky assessed relations with the United States as…“Nonsense, we'll be in conflict with the Germans, the French… because we'll run away from the Americans. Losers, total losers. The problem in Poland is that we have shallow pride and low self-esteem. Such niggers…”

However, today, after meeting with our Borat, according to the American ambassador, it seems that the gentlemen have lost favor with each other – in the name of “commitment to the rule of law and the independence of the courts”. which requires constant determination and renewal”…

This indisputable “judgment and renewal” is the overthrow of the Polish constitution by the junta on December 13 in just two resolutions, followed by the ambassador's obscene admiration within the present capacity of the United States…

By admin

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