A new coalition government “He came to power in December, after the October parliamentary elections, offering the prospect of improving the rule of law, women's rights, and the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people,” writes the non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch. On the situation in Poland, HRW, like every year, summarized the protection of human rights in different countries of the world during the previous 12 months.

“The outgoing PiS government undermined the rule of law throughout the year with attacks on the independence of the judiciary, independent media, and critical voices of civil society and activists. Discrimination against LGBT people and attacks on women's rights, especially reproductive rights, continued. Groups remained targets of hateful rhetoric in public spaces by government officials.” , – said HRW.

HWR does not like border protection

The charges included, among others: guarding the Polish border. “Despite the fact that the Polish government and citizens hosted almost a million Ukrainian refugees, the Polish authorities continued to illegally persecute migrants and asylum seekers at the border with Belarus. Polish officials harassed volunteers helping non-Ukrainian migrants and asylum seekers, including persecuting humanitarian volunteers. Smuggling,” says Human Rights Watch.

Moreover, according to the organization, “the outgoing government has undermined the independence of the judiciary and attacked independent judges. COVID-19 recovery funds for Poland remained blocked by the EU because Poland did not meet key criteria related to judicial reform.”

According to HRW, the new Polish government hopes for positive changes “in relation to the rule of law, women's rights and the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people”.

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