The Confederation proposed an amendment to the Constitution and the re-establishment of the National Council of Justice, the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court. Krzysztof Bosak spoke at a press conference on Friday, during which he appealed to all parliamentary parties and legal circles to consider the concept. He said that the formation will present the details next week.

The politician also appealed to the President and PiS not to invite representatives of international institutions as arbitrators, which they themselves criticized when the current governing coalition did so while in opposition.

Bosak: Take the judiciary out of the conflict

– I appeal to the various political forces, all here in the parliament, to sit down to talk and, despite mutual reluctance and maybe even hatred, to start discussing legally, that is, by adopting the laws signed by the president. And in accordance with the constitution, it is also possible to take the judicial system and other elements of the system of higher state bodies out of this conflict by considering the changes in the constitution and their correct adoption. So that this gangrene, which consists in the division of the legal and political system into two branches, which we are dealing with at the moment, does not spread to other areas”, said the President of the National Movement at the briefing.

The Confederation proposes a so-called constitutional reset. Details next week

– I appeal to all political forces, let's have a normal conversation with each other, how to restore the unity of the state, so that the state can rule and be law-abiding. Next week we will present our so-called Constitutional reset – said the politician.

– Proposals to get out of this area with jointly accepted amendments to the constitution. We believe that this is the only legal way at this moment and continuing in this conflict, where everyone will have their own judges, their own verdicts, their own laws and their tribunalsIn some countries, some abroad, this is a road to nowhere, which can only lead to a deeper conflict in society, an even deeper conflict between state institutions and politicians, and, as a result, to some kind of fistfight, which we all believe. which should be avoided in Poland. Because it will simply destroy our country and destroy our normal political life, said the MP.

– We hope that our proposals will be followed by normal discussion and normal criticism. If someone disagrees with them, we expect them to present their own views, said Krzysztof Bosak.

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Bodnar is “cancelled” by the national prosecutor. Jack: He will be held criminally responsible for this
Also read:
Confederation appeals to Bodnar: he follows the path of Morawiecki

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