Monica Miller has been open about her injuries since entering show business. In the fourth episode of the “Queen of Survival” program, he shared his exciting story with Evelon. He talked about his father who took his own life and about his childhood. He recalled how his peers treated him. – They took me out of school, threw stones at me – he confided.

Monica Miller was beaten and humiliated at school. “they spit on me”

“Queen of Survival” is a surprising reality show featuring a group of 12 famous women who find themselves in exotic and unusual circumstances. Available on Player and TVN7, the format showcases the stories of celebrities who have dared to leave their lives of luxury and venture deep into the jungle. The purpose of this trip is to face your fears and experience something completely new.

The participants are:

  • Monika Miller @monika.miller
  • Anetta Kurp @anetaglam
  • Josephine Kwaśniewska @josiekwasniewska
  • Evelina Kubiak @ewel0na
  • Claudia Klimczyk @mamanaobrotach24h
  • Edyta Folwarska @edyta.folwarska
  • Klaudia Nieścior @klaudianiescior
  • Marta Linkiewicz @linkimaster
  • Waleria Szewczyk @wal.szewczyk
  • Wiktoria Kozar @wiktoria_kozar
  • Natalia Janoszek @nataliajanoszek
  • Eva Piekut @madamepiekut

Monica Miller He experienced a great family tragedy. on the night of August 25-26, 2018 Leshek Miller Jr Committed suicide. When he learned of his father's death, he was a third-year student finishing his undergraduate thesis. He was vacationing in Greece with his grandparents when he got the news.

Mourning was very painful for him. He suffered not only the loss of his father, but also terrible threats. He spoke about this in a conversation with another participant of the reality show, Evelona.

– Every time something important happened in my life, I got a tattoo, for example, here I have a cherub with the date of my father's birth and death. My father hanged himself five years ago. He was 48 years old. I was terribly depressed. Do you know what hate was like? They wrote to me that “he killed himself because of you, you should be next”“It should be you instead,” he said.

– It was a nightmare, but in general I see that hatred is very fashionable in Poland – Monika added.

A famous person who described it in the past What is her life like with depression and bipolar disorder?, in the conversation, he also shared his experience at school and revealed that his childhood was very difficult. He still has an injury.

– My grandfather was the prime minister. They took me to schoolThey threw stones at me, the boys put me on the ground, They caught me and spat on me. The teachers were very angry with me. I have been going to therapy for 11 years And if it wasn't for therapy, I don't know what would have happened, she said.

– I am a very hardworking person, this was taught to me by my grandfather, who is hardworking. When he had time, he took care of me as best he could. And this love was rare, but when it was, it was in a big dose – he noted.

More than five years ago, Monika lost her father. “I haven't done this topic yet”

This is not the first time that Monica talks about a tattoo related to her father. – It is the most important for me. (…) The tattoo cannot be washed. I wear it every day and see this tattoo. Thanks to this, his memory lives on, and I know that as long as the memory lives on, this person is with us – he said in an interview to

In the same interview, he admitted that he uses the services of a psychotherapist, but – as he admitted – he has not yet managed to solve the issue of losing his father.

– no I haven't done this thread yet. I have been going to therapy for a long time and this topic has been around me, but it seems to me that this was such a tragic experience that I had to move on, that it will take some time, she admitted.

A wide audience learned about Monica when she appeared in the 10th edition of “Dancing with the Stars”. Then his career gained momentum. She became a judge in the program “Beauty Express. Makeup Masters” and got a role in the TV series “Cops”. He also tried his hand at singing, creating under the pseudonym Monami. Miller actively manages his Instagram account, where he has almost 160,000 followers. customers.

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