The Ministry of Justice announced that Dariusz Barski is retired, which is why he cannot perform the function of the national prosecutor. Meanwhile, the National Prosecutor's Office said that Barski still retains his position. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladislav Teofil Bartoshevsky was asked about the case on Polsat News.

– Minister Ziobro appointed the national prosecutor at the last minute in order to prevent the work of the future government. This issue should be decided by an independent court, but the Prosecutor General is probably right in this dispute, said the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As he emphasizes, “unless someone is actually nominated for the position, they don't hold the position.” – Mr. President cannot defend him, because he is not a national prosecutor, – said Bartoshevsky.

The politician interviewed by Grzegorz Kepka said that “Adam Bodnar is not up to any tricks.” – He is in favor of law enforcement – he argued.

Bartoszewski on the health of Kaminski and Vesik: I was not exaggerating

Grzegorz Kepka also asked the PSL politician about the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic. Politicians have been on hunger strike for three days. President Andrzej Duda announced on Thursday that he is starting the pardon procedure. On Friday, a letter was sent to the General Prosecutor's Office regarding the mentioned issue.

– The three-day hunger strike is not the situation we had with the real victims of communism and political prisoners – said Bartoshevsky.

The deputy minister emphasized that PiS politicians “are not political prisoners”. – Mr. President has no right to say that someone is innocent, that's what the court is for – Bartoshevsky said.

– Kozakiewicz's gesture in the Seimas of Mariusz Kaminski did not show remorse – emphasized the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

– I can't imagine PiS politicians breaking the law in the building of the Seimas, because that's not why they were elected – Bartoshevsky said.

As the Deputy Minister noted, the final decision means the end of the MP's mandate. – The decision is taken by the district court, when it issues a decision, whether the Speaker of the Seimas announces it or not, it doesn't matter – he explained.

– We want to restore normality in Poland through dialogue. We must end the Polish-Polish war, we must talk. The situation is not easy, this is a fact, – asserts the deputy minister.

Bartoshevsky was also asked about Dominik Tarczynski's words. – It is extremely harmful when politicians try to support one or another political party in the USA. We don't elect their president, he said.

The second guest of Grzegorz Kepka is Pavel Jablonski, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Broadcasts on Polsat, Polsat News, Wydarzenia24 and and Interia. 19:20.

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