– Public media cannot be a money-making factory for people who have never had anything to do with journalism and the media, said Donald Tusk, citing the example of “26-year-old Ziobro's youth group”, which he had to earn. “Three million zlotys in three years.” In an interview given to three television stations on Friday, the Prime Minister said, among other things: about public media.

Friday's interview, carried by three of Poland's biggest television stations – including Polsat – was the first. Donald Tusk After last year's parliamentary elections.

“26-year-old football player earned 3 million PLN”

The Prime Minister was asked about this public media. In this case, he gave an example “26 years old from the youth team of Ziobro”. – I am sure that public media is a public value and deserves support, but It cannot be a money making factory For people who have never had anything to do with journalism and the media, he said.

– They (participants of the “Free Poles” protest – ed.) took to the streets to protect those who could… Ziobro party, youth wing activist – how much did he earn in three years? Three million zlotys? – he asked and corrected that the word “earned” was out of place here.

look: Controversy on public media in the “debate of the day”. d. Stefaniuk: Gangs came to TVP

The Prime Minister assured about this There will be no public media funding at the level of “Byzantium of Kursk and its successor”.. – There will be no shortage of resources for the public media to work in accordance with its public mission. But you don't really need billions to do that, as Kaczynski and Kurski once made it out to be, he said.

D. Tusk about J. Kursky: he was ashamed until the end of his life

When asked about Kursk, Tusk said he “covered himself in shame for the rest of his life.” – Recently, the president reminded me that he demanded this very strictly Remove Kursk from public television. It was during the presidential election. Can you imagine the reputation this man has when even the leaders of his camp have the worst opinion of him? – asked the Prime Minister.

– If it turns out, and it's not my business, that he committed insults and crimes, he will be held accountable like any other person, but I have nothing to say here, because I'm not conducting an investigation – concluded Tusk.

ap / Polsatnews.pl

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