Donald Tusk gave an interview to TVP, TVN and Polsat on Friday evening. One of the questions was about Procedures for pardoning PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik.

– I am not a psychologist to discuss the president's motivation. As Prime Minister, it is important for me that Poland becomes a state of law again. I have nothing against trying to pardon you, it is the competence of the President. The only thing that could be confusing is that the president decided to use the pardon procedure instead of the pardon act, the prime minister said. – One of my main goals is for everyone in Poland to do what they have to do according to the law, – he added.

The head of the government also announced that next Monday at 11:00 He will meet the president.

– I will go to the President to discuss the details and nature of my mission when I am in Kiev in the coming days. For both of them, because the president was very involved in this, the situation in Ukraine and on the front is absolutely the number one issue. It is a matter of Polish security, he said.

“Tusk will continue to attack”

There was a wave of comments on the Internet regarding Donald Tusk's televised speech.

“Donald Tusk in his 'interview' presented himself as a man steeped in hatred, but also a coward when he used his subordinates like Bodnar or Sienkiewicz – as if, as a boss, he would not be responsible for their actions. Tusk didn't answer most of the questions, but he didn't seem to care. The only thing that could be learned from this hour-long 'interview' was that Tusk will continue to attack and destroy further Polish institutions,” said Beata Szydlo, former prime minister and current PiS MEP.


“A barrage of tough questions for Donald Tusk. I appeal to the presenters to take at least a second to answer!” Piotr Müller was puzzled.


“Does Tusk have the nerve to complain that some slogans during #ProtestFreePoles were uncomfortable for him? This is coming from a person whose party based its campaign on eight stars? Yesterday, no one called to insult anyone…” Radoslav Fogiel said.


“The seriousness of the message should not create doubts even for “symmetrists”. For some of the PIS voters, this interview should be a gateway to reality. For the voters of the current government, this is a confirmation that nothing has been announced. It will be ignored in the election campaign!” wrote Bogdan Zdrojewski from the Civil Coalition on X's website.

TwitterAlso read:
Bienkowska in Orleans? Tusk said: Someone is hurting him
Also read:
The President responds to Bodnar's decision. “Another gross violation of the law”

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