Former heads of CBA Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik They were arrested on Tuesday In the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. The former ministers were first taken to the police station in St. Grenadiers, and then in Grokhov's advance division. On Wednesday, they were transferred to other prisons: Kaminski prison in Radom and Vesik in the town of Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka.

On Friday, the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office The investigation was started Regarding the abuse of power by the police and the State Security Service during the detention of the President in the palace.

Arrest of Vesik and Kaminsky. “legally and professionally”

“Initiation of proceedings by the District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw regarding abuse of power by police and SOP officers in connection with court-ordered actions during the arrest of Messrs. Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński in the Presidential Palace.” I want to inform you with full confidence that all actions taken in the case were in accordance with the applicable regulations and respect for the dignity of the arrested persons,” the police said in a statement.

“There is no doubt that the police officers acted on the basis of the applicable regulations and within the framework of the law. For the purpose of the process, all materials from the performed activities will be available. We announce that the proceedings have started in St. A body independent of the police will confirm the above and eliminate speculations in the public space.” – we read.

In this regard, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Markin Kiervinski, also commented. “The Polish police and SOP acted legally and professionally at the request of the court. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the administration will provide all possible support to reveal the truth about these actions to the public,” he wrote on X's website.

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The case of Kaminski and Vesik. Tusk: This is not a comfortable situation for me
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