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The bailiff took a refrigerator, a freezer and a coffee machine from the office of the minister of the Belgian government. The confiscation occurred due to unpaid fines for asylum seekers not being granted asylum. Items are for auction.

The bailiffs took it away Freezer and coffee machine From the office of the Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, Nicole de Moor. The court decision on the case was to be enforced brought by asylum seekerswho were left homeless, Reuters reported.

He added that asylum seekers lost their asylum after last year The authorities evacuated them from an empty building in the center of Brussels. As a result of these actions, they had to live on the streets for three months.

Meanwhile, asylum seekers requested another asylum from Belgium, A The court ordered the state to deliver itImposing fines for people staying on the street every day.

The bailiff took out the refrigerator and the coffee machine. “The rule of law still exists”

The lawyers of the asylum seekers convinced the bailiffs Seizure in order to enforce the decision And get a certain amount of debt. Belgium has already been fined by the court in the amount of 9000 GEL. First. However, they remain unpaid.

– The purpose of our statements to the court was to show this The rule of law still exists here – said lawyer Marie Doutrepont, who requested such a step on behalf of her clients.

According to the agency, on Thursday morning, bailiffs came to Nicole de Moore's office and confiscated office equipment.

Doutrepont said his clients are in droves 2,700 people in a homelessness crisis are seeking asylum in Belgium. Under EU law, asylum seekers must have asylum before their application can be processed.

look: Belgium: Jihadist bomber who killed two Swedish fans dies in hospital

Minister De Moor, who previously stated publicly Paying fines will not solve the crisiswrote on the social network that the trial “It doesn't get us any closer to having enough shelters“.

Confiscated items will be auctioned and the proceeds will be collected will be given to a group of about 20 asylum seekers.

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