– The world has become more restless and crazy, but Germans should not be afraid of the future – claimed Olaf Scholz in his New Year's message.

At the beginning of the speech, the German chancellor listed the crises that, as he noted, “have affected Europe and Germany in different ways.” These are: the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, changes in raw material supplies, etc Hamas attack on Israel.

Scholz states: We in Germany will overcome this

Olaf Scholz emphasized that “Germany must change.” – For some, this is also a cause of dissatisfaction. I take it to heart. And at the same time, I know: we in Germany will overcome this, – said the politician. – Germany will overcome it. We will also deal with adversity, he added.

– Inflation fell. Wages and pensions are increasing. The gas tank is full for the winter. Things turned out differently because we acted against the economic slowdown. Because we saved energy and got it on time. All together. We will also be able to cope with adversity, argued Scholz. – “Who can do this but you in Germany?” – This is what many around us in Europe and the whole world tell me. And there is something in it. Never before have there been as many men and women working in Germany as there are today. This is the guarantee of our well-being. This gives us the opportunity to invest heavily in the future. And we should do that too, he said.

– Dear fellow citizens! Even in times like these, there are things we can hope for. The one who strengthens us: we have friends – in Europe and all over the world. Partners with whom I discuss every day how we want to ensure security in Germany and Europe. The European Union strengthens us. When the EU takes a common position, it acts for the benefit of more than 400 million citizens, said Olaf Scholz. – This is a real advantage – he said.

The Chancellor of Germany drew attention to the fact that meetings will be held in EU member states next year European Parliament elections. Olaf Scholz emphasized that “it is important that Europe emerges from the 2024 European elections united and strong.”

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