13/01/2024, 08:40

In the video posted on the site

Samuel Pereira, the head of TVP Info under President Mateusz Matiszkowicz, was not allowed into the TV News Agency's headquarters in Plac Powstańców Warszawy. Apparently, the only person left in the building, Michal Adamczyk, the former head of TAI – was recently elected by the National Media Council as president of TVP, even though TVP is run by Tomasz Sigut.

We remind you that on January 10, the security closed the TVP building in the center of Warsaw until further notice. This was decided by the liquidator of Telewizja Polska, Daniel Gorgosz. The building is guarded by policemen. Sameul Pereira and Marcin Tulitski, who stayed the longest with Adamczyk at the headquarters, had already tried – unsuccessfully – to enter the building the day before.

Gorgos explained in a statement that the decision was related to “numerous cases of abuse of power as a result of the implementation of the parliamentarian's mandate,” which he claims “leads to the entry of unauthorized persons into TVP facilities, causing numerous violations to the detriment of TVP and its employees.”

The liquidator has advised that the premises will be closed to outsiders from Thursday 11th January until further notice.

“This decision is primarily dictated by the need for the safety of TVP employees and the necessary protection of company property, including critical infrastructure,” said Daniel Gorgos.

In a video shared on X's website, you can see Samuel Pereira trying to get to the TAI headquarters through a side entrance, but he is pushed back by TVP officers, and then the police show up.

(MAT, 13/01/2024)

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