This question was asked by in a survey commissioned by the SW Research website.

47.1 percent of the respondents answered that the state of democracy will improve under the new government. According to 27.9 percent of Poles, the state of democracy will worsen. 15.6 percent of respondents believe that nothing will change, a 9.4 percent subjects No point in this case.

Przemyslaw Wesolowski, president of the SW Research research agency, comments on these results. – Almost 57% expect an increase in democratic standards after the change of government. Respondents who are over 50 years old and more than every second person with higher education – indicate.

– Six out of 10 respondents with an income ranging from PLN 3,001 to PLN 4,000 expect the state of democracy to improve, as do a similar percentage (57%) of respondents from cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants. Residents – he explains.

The survey was conducted by the research agency SW Research among users of the SW Panel online panel on January 9-10, 2022. The analysis included a group of 800 Internet users over the age of 18. The sample was selected by random quota.

Politicians of the Fidesz party write to the EC: the rule of law is being violated in Poland

The Polish opposition criticizes Donald Tusk for breaking the law. Politicians note Illegal changes in public media and the National Prosecutor's Office. These opinions are supported by Hungarian Fidesz MPs.

“Everyone can easily imagine (…) what actions the European Commissioner for Values ​​and Transparency, Vera Jurova, would take if this situation existed in Budapest during Viktor Orbán's rule,” Hungarian politicians wrote in a letter addressed to the European Union. European Commission.

The Hungarians emphasize that Brussels exhibits “outrageous double standards”. The MEPs emphasized that in recent years, the European Commission has repeatedly criticized Hungary regarding press freedom and democracy.

“How does the European Commission intend to ensure that respect for the rule of law is measured by the same yardstick for all member states, regardless of their governments and political positions?” – Fidesz politicians ask.

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