In his final speech after the Angelus in 2023, Pope Francis paid tribute to Benedict XVI on the first anniversary of his predecessor's death. The Holy Father said that the late Pope continues to bless and help the Church from heaven. Francis added that Benedict XVI served the Church “with wisdom and love”.

– We feel great love for him, so much gratitude, so much admiration. He blesses us from heaven and accompanies us, Pope Francis said on the Feast of the Holy Family. After his words, the pilgrims on St. Peter's Square burst into applause among those gathered on the square.

Benedict XVI He died on December 31, 2022 at the age of 95. The Bavarian hierarch served as Pope from 2005 to 2013 and is considered by many to be one of the most important theologians living today. He spent the last nine years of his life as “Pope Emeritus” at the Vatican's Mater Ecclesiae monastery, after stepping down on February 11, 2013. The resignation of a German pope was the first such event in 600 years.

earlier that day at St. Peter's Basilica. A special service was held in St. Peter's Square. for Benedict XVI, which is part of a two-day conference on the late pope's life, teachings and legacy.

holy family

In his speech after the Angelus, Pope Francis also spoke about how the Holy Family faced difficulties but persevered through them. The Holy Father pointed out the amazing presence of God in their lives.

The Pope drew attention to the “surprising” fact that Jesus was born into a family “experienced in suffering”, as evidenced by today's Gospel reading. After Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the temple, they offer the humblest of sacrifices, a pair of doves. Then the old man Simon tells Mary that “a sword will pierce her soul.”

– How is it that the family of Jesus, the only family in history that can boast of the flesh and blood of God, was poor instead of rich! – asked the Pope. – It seems that instead of things being easy, this family is facing obstacles! Instead of being freed from difficulties, this family is plunged into great sadness! – added.

Pope Francis said this fact shows that God in Christ “came into our lives with his problems” and “thus saved us by living among us”.

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Benedict XVI. Pope, theologian. He held the doctrine for years
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“A cause close to my heart.” BENEDICT XVI BIOGRAPHER: The Pope was disappointed with Francis

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