– We came to work as usual, according to our agreement, a group of deputies was passing by and we entered. We were walking in the hall, then suddenly a security guard jumped out and started to take me and Anna Zalevsky out. He tried to drive us out, but in the end someone probably came to his senses, he was calmed down by MPs and some TVP employees who ran there after he got angry – says PiS MEP Izabella Klok to the wPolitce.pl portal.

– He knew very well that we were MPs, but he still decided to take such a step, – he adds. Klock emphasizes that at this time he and Anna Zalewska have not decided whether they will take legal action on the matter.

The MEP reports that the security guard himself admitted that he had beaten the women. There will also be surveillance video recording the entire incident. – We wanted to see this film, but we were not allowed to do so. Director Adamchik and I tried to get into the room where there is monitoring and security, but unfortunately the TVP employee only opened the door and quickly closed it as soon as he saw Director Adamchik – says the politician.


Adamchik left the headquarters of TVP Info. “The heart of Polish television stopped beating”

Takeover of public media by Donald Tusk's government It started on December 20. Then the TVP Info signal went off.

The “new” management boards at Polish Radio and PAP were quickly introduced. The government also managed to take over the building of the TV company in St. Voronitsa. However, all this time it was the seat of the television press agency, from which, before, among others, news services and talking to guests remained under the control of the previous government, which, according to the refusal to enter the “new management” in the national court register, is considered legal.

in the building pl. The Warsaw rebels remained, among others, TVP president Michal Adamczyk and Samuel Pereira. For many days, a parliamentary inspection by PiS deputies has been going on there.

On Saturday, TVP President Michal Adamczyk left the headquarters of TVP Info pl. Warsaw rebels. – I wanted to say that today, after 3 weeks, I am leaving the TAI building, but at the same time I would like to emphasize that this struggle is not over. This fight will lead to victory. Fight against illegality and violation of workers' rights. The fight against what the people appointed by Donald Tusk are doing – said Michal Adamczyk on Saturday.

– I want to thank you for the words of support that have been coming to us for 3 weeks and continue. On December 20, the legal authorities of Telewizja Polska were ousted by force and violence, illegality and deception. Many journalists, staff and employees were expelled. The legal signal of Polish TV has been switched off. The usurper signal is connected. These methods and actions are similar to those used in Belarus. This is not the end. The men of Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz decided to paralyze the work in this building – TAI – he said.

Also read:
Kaczynski warns: all this can end tragically

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