“Today, together with other Deputy Prosecutor Generals, we have decided to present a report on the commission of crimes by Adam Bodnar, Jacek Bilevich and other persons working with them,” said Deputy Prosecutor General Michal Ostrovsky in a statement. on Saturday.

Ostrovsky said that the notification was submitted to the prosecutor's office “in connection with the illegal attempt to dismiss the national prosecutor Dariusz Barski and replace him with the prosecutor. Jacek Bilevich”.

– I have been working in the prosecutor's office for 26 years. I never thought I would be forced to file a report Suspect of committing a crime by the Prosecutor General – says his deputy in the recording.

– Action Adam Bodnar violated the law, including violation of the powers of the President. This is a failed attempt to circumvent the provisions of the Law on Public Prosecutions, which clearly requires the written consent of the President to remove the National Prosecutor,” he adds.

Michal Ostrovsky It is reported that he was confronted on Friday evening Adam Bodnar. – Yesterday evening, together with Deputy Attorney General Robert Hernand, we pointed out to Attorney General Adam Bodnar that he was violating the law. I personally pointed out that there is still an opportunity to get away with illegal activities, he said.

According to the deputy of PG, Bodnar's action causes chaos in the prosecutor's office. Ostrovsky believes that this has a negative impact on his functioning and the fight against crime.

– In a democratic state governed by the rule of law, the basis of the activity of state bodies is the legal acts defined by the constitution, a. Not legal opinions written at the request of politicians. I appeal to the prosecutors: use the law, not the legal opinion. Follow the decisions and orders of legally appointed superiors. Do not succumb to media pressure. Remember that your job is to uphold the law and fight crime. Don't be afraid! – he addressed.

Jacek Bilevich is the national prosecutor

Friday, January 12 Adam Bodnar It was reported that Dariusz Barski has retired, which will force him to perform the function of the National Prosecutor. Soon after that, it was announced that Jacek Bilevich would take over the role of National Prosecutor.

According to the regulations, prosecutors can be in two states: active or retired. Only active service obliges to actively perform official duties.

A retired prosecutor no longer performs any duties, but receives a salary no less 75 percent pay from time of active service.

In 2007, he worked as the Deputy Prosecutor General. He retired in 2010. In 2011, he ran for the Seimas with lists law and justice. He took the second place in the list in Lodz district. He won the mandate, but eventually expired, because it is forbidden to combine the functions of the prosecutor with the function of the parliament.

Dariusz Barski returned to active duty in 2022. According to Bodnar This happened without a proper legal basis. This – as we read on the website of the Ministry – “means that Mr. Dariusz Barski cannot fulfill his function. National Prosecutor”.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/535982,dariusz-barski-w-zanie-spoczynku-oto-kto-zastapi-prokuratora

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