Bydgoszcz protects freedom of speech and political prisoners

On January 13, in front of the provincial office in Bydgoszcz, despite the cold and rain More than 1,000 people gathered to protest the riots and defend the first political prisoners in many years, residents of Bydgoszcz and the surrounding area. The chairman of the Gazeta Polska Club of Bydgoszcz spoke first Christian Frelichovski: We are here to protect our rights, the right of each of us to receive information from different sources, so that we can choose which journalists to listen to, and not impose the only correct truth on us from above – says Christian Frelikhovski of the city. Councilor of Bydgoszcz from PiS, co-organizer of the protest. – We are also here to protect political prisoners, we remind you that currently the pardoning of prisoners was verified by the Constitutional Tribunal and a few years ago it was determined that it was correct – he adds. . If they came for them, they can come for any of us…

Then P spokePresident of the Association of the Repressed of the People's Republic of Poland “Przymierze” Jan Rachitsky. In his statement, he also talked about the difficult years of the martial law, which he called the laughing stock of history, and reminded that On December 13, the coalition swore to the president and the nation that they would be faithful to the constitution, and what did they do? – he asked. . At this the crowd that had gathered interrupted him, with shouts of shame, shame. We cannot remain silent, Rachitzky continued – we who survived Communism will also survive the pink plague, but We have to fight again, fight for the truth, for our rights. This time, the crowd chants, we will win. In the end, he called the current government the Tusk junta.

– In the state of law, no one can steal the right to destroy the legal order in Poland, constitutions and laws cannot be destroyed by decree, there cannot be consent to this. Lukash Schreiber

Chairman of the PiS Advisory Club Yaroslav Wenderlich Reminded about actions taken against illegal changes in TVP Bydgoszcz and Radio PiK

The whole event was led and accompanied by the leader of Solidarnyc2010 Makej Rozhitskyi

The organizers were Gazeta Polski Bydgoszcz Club – Christian Frelichovski, Solidarni 2010- Makej RozhikYes, and anti-communist opposition activists, among them Jan Raczycki, Bogdan Dzakanovski,

“We are here to defend our rights. Protest in front of the Bydgoszcz provincial office (

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