“On January 12, 2024, the Prosecutor General, Professor Adam Bodnar, during a meeting with the National Prosecutor, Mr. Dariusz Barski, handed him a document stating that he was reinstated to active duty on February 16, 2022, by the previous Prosecutor General. Mr. Zbigniew Ziobro, was accepted in violation of the current regulations and did not have legal effect, as a provision of the act was applied, which was no longer in force,” the Ministry of Justice said in a statement on Friday. The Ministry claims that “from the date of transfer of the above-mentioned position of the Prosecutor General, i.e. from January 12, 2024, Mr. Dariusz Barski retired, which makes it impossible for him to perform the function of the National Prosecutor.”

Acting National Prosecutor became Jacek Bilevich. down Decision of the Minister of Justice answered the president. “Minister Adam Bodnar is trying to remove Dariusz Barski from the post of national prosecutor, for which he does not have independent competence. He gave his “decision” on this issue to Prosecutor Barsky. There is a change in the position of the National Prosecutor. , according to the Act, is the competence of the Prime Minister and the Attorney General in cooperation with the President.” Andrzej Duda writes on the X website.

Zaradkevich: The law is trampled underfoot, but it will find defenders

The opposition accuses Bodnar of violating the law. His deputies as the Prosecutor General expressed a critical position towards these actions.

“The law certainly exists and is valid, although it is underfoot and it will find defenders against the usurpation of political power,” Supreme Court judge Kamil Zaradkevich wrote on the X website. “Please don't say 'what shall we do', 'what will someone do to them', etc.?” We can do a lot, and obvious illegality cannot remain beyond responsibility, despite the fact that it was until now,” the judge asserted. . Zaradkiewicz adds that “(Article 44 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland) does not expire.”

What does the quoted article of the constitution refer to? He states that “The statute of limitations for non-judicial crimes committed for political reasons by or at the behest of public officials shall be suspended until such reasons cease to exist.“.

Also read:
We reveal the backstage of the attack on the prosecutor's office

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