January 13 marks five years since the attack on Pavel Adamovich. The mayor of Gdańsk took part in charity ceremonies 27th Christmas Charity Grand Orchestra Final. While on stage, the attacker stabbed him three times. As a result of his wounds, he died the next afternoon. On Polsat News, in the special edition of “Daily Debate”, the host Agnieszka Gozdira talked to the relatives and familiar politicians of the tragically deceased high-ranking official of the local government. One of the invited people was Agnieszka Buczynska, currently Minister of Civil Society on behalf of Poland 2050 and five years ago a volunteer, activist and organizer of the WOŚP Gdańsk Final. as He talked to the injured mayor of the last city.

– We were talking in a good mood before going on stage. I have been involved in volunteering all my life and my children have always accompanied me during these events. I remember like it was yesterday when President Adamowicz asked me, “Listen, don't you want the kids to go home before the finals?” I said, “I want to, but they don't want to,” they wanted to participate because they were collecting money all day. And then we all went on stage – said the politician.

Agnieszka Buczynska: He was holding his stomach, I asked him how he felt

– When did you realize what was happening? – asked the host Agnieszka Gozdira.

– It was a moment. I think I will probably never forget that, because I saw the assassin of the president at the moment when the so-called Stage pyrotechnics exploded and lit up the stage. In the center of this scene stood a man who He had his hands raised triumphantly with a knife in his hand And then I didn't know that something happened – Buchinska returned to dramatic events. – The first thing I did was this I turn my back to him, I cover the children. I quietly told everyone who was standing not to shout, so that there would be no panic and they would not leave the stage, – said the minister.

look: The fifth anniversary of the attack on Pavel Adamovich. D. Tusk took the oath in Gdansk

He added that when the killer approached the presenter of the WOŚP final, demanded the microphone and threatened that “he would be next”, he had not yet heard his “manifesto”. – He was talking about the president and I didn't know that all this had already happened. We are always blinded on stage, we can neither see the audience nor what is in front of us. That's why I think that most of us realized what happened only when the light shined not on us, but on the whole stage – Buczynska explained. – We were taking people from the stage and I saw it The president sits in the so-called case, that is, the box in which the technical equipment is transported. I approached, I saw that he was holding his stomach, I asked him how he felt, he said: “Agnieszka, not so much” – said the eyewitness of the events and added that upon seeing the president once again, It was time for resuscitation.

– It seemed like minutes. When he was told after some time that it was a matter of tens of seconds, I did not want to believe it. I remember all the details. And I think that I am not the only one, that each person who stood on that stage will stay with us for the rest of his life, said the minister. – It was such an absurd situationWhen a moment ago the president says that Gdańsk is generous, shares kindness, when we have a moment of gratitude, that we are open to other people, that it is worth being good, Total evil bursts onto the scene. This whole event is so full of contrasts and contradictions that it was difficult for all of us to understand it – Buchinska summed up the tragic moments.

See: He was the last person to talk to P. Adamovich. “I remember every detail”

Minister of Public Media P. After Adamovic's death: zero decency

As he continued, he did not want to think about the murderer anymore, the main thing for him was to pass the sentence. He himself was accused. As an organizer, he was accused of: The event was not properly observed, because the attacker could break into the scene. – I was acquitted at the beginning of 2023, then the process is complete. I was convinced of this from the beginning From an organizational point of view, we have completed all the formalitiesAccording to him, this can be done.

look: Magdalena Adamović wants to appoint an investigative commission in the public media

He also said that the tragedy was used to achieve political goals. – It greatly affected my life and health. I felt this hate all weekend long I was followed by public media, broke into my house, trying to film me in various situations as I ran away from reporters. The day after the event, a special group from Warsaw came to the European Solidarity Center where I worked, just to break into our office to film something to show us, No decency – said the Acting Minister of Civil Society.

– You can disagree, discuss with each other, (…) but You can't cross a certain line that causes hate, Insulting another person. A politician is a person who has chosen this particular profession, but is also a mother who has friends, passions, Each of us is also human – argued the politician who entered the Seimas in this parliamentary election. – We also have to fight hate on many other levels There is also the issue of legal regulations and criminal law. It is worth starting from ourselves, being careful when we talk about public issues, Buczynska concluded, adding that we should draw lessons for the future from this tragic event five years ago.

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