On Saturday, a rally was organized in Gdańsk in connection with the 5th anniversary of the death of Pavel Adamowicz. In addition to Donald Tusk and Magdalena Adamowicz, the brother of the president of Gdańsk also appeared on the stage. Piotr Adamowicz revealed the response he received from the prosecutor's office regarding the glorification of Stefan Vilmont's crime.

Piotr Adamovich on the actions of the prosecutor's office in connection with the death of his brother

– I thought about leaving what I wanted to say, but – sorry – I decided to say it on this special day – he said at the rally. “Light for Pavel Adamovich” Piotr Adamovich. He then cited several examples of comments made against Stephane Wilmont.

– “Poor man, he did the world a favor and is innocent of it”, another quote: “Gdansk, thank you, Stefan. You did a good job,” he quoted. – Mr. Prime Minister, this is an activity which in the language of criminal law is called public praise of the crime of murder – added the brother of the president of Gdańsk.

– In the future, I repeatedly reported to the prosecutor's office about the commission of a crime, which involves public praise of the crime of murder. After three to six months, they were released with one or three sentences, without even giving a reason, he said.

Hatred and hatred exist in public space and the Polish state has tolerated it for eight years. Unfortunately, this is the result of prosecutorial malpractice.Piotr AdamovichAt the rally “Light for Pavel Adamovits”.

We remind you that on January 14, 2019, Pavel Adamovich was stabbed three times on stage during the final. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

On March 16, 2023, the Gdansk District Court announced the verdict in the case of the murder of Pawel Adamowicz and agreed to the prosecutor's request. Stefan Vilmont was sentenced to life imprisonment. He also agreed to release the convict's data and image.

Donald Tusk remembers Pavel Adamovich

Donald Tusk He also took part in the event “Light for Pavel Adamovits”. In his speech, he remembered an old friend. – Pawel Adamowicz wants us all to smile in Poland. (…) The reason for our meeting is a tragic death, a brutal attack. So why should we smile? Pavel wanted it, and it is his duty to think and talk about the future, the head of the government said.

– We will not rest until Poland and the Polish nation are freed from contempt and hatred. I promise you this, said the Prime Minister.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/536084,joe-biden-o-nowych-powiedzach-w-polsce-pzdrowie-usa-krotko-je-podsumowal

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