The United States is one of Poland's most important allies. US President Joe Biden was recently asked about his assessment of recent changes in the country. The American leader briefly summarized the recent decisions of Donald Tusk's government.

Joe Biden on changes in Poland

Saturday (January 13) Marek WalkuskiThe Polish Radio Correspondent at the White House posted a short video on his Twitter profile Joe Biden. The journalist asked the President of the United States how he evaluates the political changes in Poland and the actions of the current government.

I think this is very good Biden answered briefly.

In the comments under the video, we see many mocking posts against the US leader. “He doesn't even know what day it is”; “I haven't contacted you in a long time”; “I wonder if he remembers his name,” we read.

We remind you that after the parliamentary elections held on October 15 of last year, St. Biden wrote a letter to Donald TuskCongratulates him on his election as the Prime Minister of Poland.

The President of the USA emphasized this in his statement Poland is an important partner of the United States In terms of security. “One of our staunchest allies. (…) I assure you that the United States will continue to stand by Poland and once again oppose the invasion of authoritarianism in Europe. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart and I wish you all the best,” Biden added.

We remind you that on November 5, 2024, the seventieth presidential election will be held in the United States.

Arrest of Vesik and Kaminsky

As we previously wrote in naTemat, the police arrested him on Tuesday (January 9). Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik in the presidential palace. The intervention took place in the evening, when the President himself was in the Belvedere Palace, where he met with the leader of the Belarusian opposition, Svetlana Tsykhanuskaya.

Two days after the arrest, Andrzej Duda, accompanied by the wives of former ministers, announced that he was starting an investigation. Pardon process. It should be noted that the so-called presidential regime is not equivalent to pardon.

– If Andrzej Duda wanted Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik to leave prison immediately, he would have used art. 139 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Then the men would be at home in a few hours – he explained in an interview with naTemat Prof. Nikolai Maletsky from Jagiellonian University.

On Friday, January 12, the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office started an investigation into the operation of transporting politicians. law and justice in prison. According to portal Onet, investigators will study whether there was an abuse of power during the arrest.

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