13/01/2024, 05:04

Danuta Holecka moved from TVP to TV Republika (screen: TV Republika)

After wresting influence from propagandists at TV Polska, TV Republika is trying to capture viewers of its news and journalism programs. However, the channel controlled by Tomas Sakijevic, despite the increase in viewership, has little chance of becoming an influential TV channel for viewers with right-wing beliefs. The TV company “Republica” condemns itself to a niche status.

Republic TV is trying to attract viewers to TVP, including the presence of the most recognizable people who until recently supported the propaganda message with their faces on TVP. Michał Rachoń, who became the program director of this station and hosted the program “Jedziemy. Michał Rachoń” (he hosted the program “Jedziemy” on TVP Info), and former host of TVP “Wiadomości” Danuta Holeka (runs the main news service. “Dziiazh”) moved to the TV company “Republika”.

“TV Republika appeals to extreme emotions”

“Republica” television company broadcasts special editions after the influence of propagandists on the television company was removed. Sakiewicz's television has radically altered the message, convincing viewers that there has been an attack on public media and the rule of law in Poland. Republika TV viewers also learn that PiS politicians are at risk of reprisals as Tusk's government tries to jail them, such as Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

Also read: Republika TV has expanded its coverage. Tomas Sakievic: “We want to be where it is possible”

The reason for this was caused by the famous faces of TVP and the radicalization of the message TV company “Republiki” has started to increase its viewership results. According to Nielsen Media data, on Wednesday, December 20, the day TVP Info was suspended, the station had an average rating of 2.61%. Share in the overall 4+ group, 1.13 percent in commercial 16-49 and 1.75 percent in commercial 16-59. One day later it was 3.35% and 1.94% respectively. and 2.22 percent. However, the program “Jedziemy. Michał Rachoń” receives an average of 5.11 percent. Television's market share among all viewers is 2.68 percent. in the 16-49 group and 2.84 percent in the 16-59 group. In addition, TV Republika's program hosts often boast that the number of subscribers to the station's YouTube channel has exceeded 800,000.

This is a significant increase. In November, the TV company “Republica” had only 0.11 percent. Share in the overall 4+ group, 0.03 percent in commercial 16-49 and 0.05 percent in commercial 16-59.

– I don't think that the TV company “Republic” will keep this audience for a long time, – says Prof. Maciej Mrozowski, media expert from SWPS University. – The audience of this television is the result of waves of emotional mood. This television will not become the Polish equivalent of the American Fox News, because it does not create the intellectual integrity of the world image. TV Republika deals with atavistic, extreme emotions like fear. The people who obey them are the people rejected by the previous government that PiS ruled years ago. However, the sentiment that only PiS could help them ended when even the party's heavy electorate noticed that PiS people were getting rich with stolen state money. Currently, there is no social basis for the development of far-right television in Poland – adds Prof. Mrozovsky.

Sakievich station will remain a niche

It takes a lot of money to run a 24-hour TV news channel. TV company “Republika” had problems even under the PiS government, when the government transferred significant financial resources there. They did not invest in equipping the studio, purchasing professional equipment or developing a software offering. Sakievic channel still looks old and resembles local TV from the 1990s. Even the money transferred by subsequent PiS governments was not enough to pay the employeeswho are employed there on useless contracts and complain that they do not receive their salaries regularly.

Also read: Another complaint against “Republic” TV company is in the National Broadcasting Council. Immigrants were compared to waste

A larger audience should translate into increased advertising revenue. However, in this case too, “Republica” TV company failed recently. Because of Frankly fascist statements of Marek Krol on the air of the station About microchipping and tattooing of migrants or Jan Pietrzak on the confinement of migrants in the barracks of former German concentration camps Your ads with TV Republika The biggest advertisers started pulling out.

There are many indications that currently TV Republika will not become Poland's Fox News, but will remain a niche, far-right television service provided by PiS.

– However, a lot depends on the current government. If they start making serious mistakes, they will provide more viewers to the TV company Republika – says Prof. Mackay Mrozowski.

Also read: The National Broadcasting Council received complaints regarding the statements of Ian Pietrzak and Marek Krol in the TV company “Republica”.

(MAK, 13/01/2024)

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