“Who do you think is guilty?” The crisis related to the convictions of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik And the expiration of their parliamentary mandate?” – this was the question in the last SW Research poll conducted on behalf of “Rzeczpospolita”.

Most of the respondents, 40.6 percent, believe that responsibility rests with law and justice. On the other hand, 20.1 percent of the survey participants believe that both parties are to blame. 16.8 percent of respondents say that the current ruling coalition (KO, Polska 2050, PSL, Nowa Lewica) is to blame, 15.3 percent. Respondents do not have an opinion on this issue and 7.2 percent of respondents have not heard about this case.

In an interview with Rp.pl, the president of the research agency SW Research, Przemyław Wesolowski, said that PiS is responsible for the crisis by 54 percent. Poles over 50 and every second respondent with higher education.

– Depending on the amount of income, Law and Justice most often refers to people whose income ranges from PLN 3,001 to PLN 4,000 net (50%). Considering the size of the city, these are mainly residents of the largest cities (54%), he adds.

The survey was conducted among SW Panel online panel users on January 9-10, 2022. The analysis included a group of 800 Internet users over the age of 18.

Detention of MPs

Former CBA chiefs Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesic stayed on Tuesday. They were arrested in the presidential palace, where they stayed at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center.

On Wednesday, they were transferred to other prisons – Kaminski prison in Radom and Vesik in the town of Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka. Before that, both politicians started a hunger strike.

After Kaminski and Vesic were arrested, law and justice politicians referred to them as “the first political prisoners in Poland since 1989”.

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