How do you assess the demonstration in defense of free media and the release of MPs Kaminski and Vesik from prison? Is this the success of the opposition?

Kamil Bortnychuk: Of course yes. This is the largest ever event of its kind organized by the Law and Justice Society and, given the time of year and the weather, an absolutely priceless success. The demonstration is a big signal to those in power that they should heed the voice of the street and the nation. They can't go on the rampage we've seen over the last month.

How will you respond to the taunts of the ruling team politicians that this is a march of millionaires and people manipulated by propaganda?

March of the Millionaires? I really don't know what this is about. Perhaps this is a reference to Tomas Lis, who I know cost TVP more than PLN 20 million over several years. Were people manipulated? I believe that sober people came to the march and part of the public opinion was manipulated, as a result of which the public supported what was impossible from the perspective of a reasonable Pole, that is, the return of Donald Tusk. Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland.

Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik are in prison. It's an absolute tragedy for their families, but you can hear it mocked in many media outlets. How do you rate this approach to this issue?

People who scoff at this point are giving themselves up. I think reasonable citizens see that. If we make a mocking comment about the way our colleagues are treated, it can be said that they are actually equal and more equal. After all, almost 50 thousand. People are waiting to serve their sentences in a Polish prison due to overcrowding. Deputies Veski and Kaminski were immediately taken to the cell. Are these the perks of power?

Also read:
Sovereign Poland: Tusk and Bodnar abolished the rule of law
Also read:
“GW” attacks Kaminsky's wife. Tarchinsky remembered the loud words

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