The scandal surrounding “Gazeta Wyborcza” journalist Marcin Katzki is still echoing. After publishing the autobiographical text “My Journalism – Alcohol, Failed Therapies, Badly Loved Women, Neglected Daughters and Fear of the Dawn,” he came under fire from critics, including one journalist who wrote that he was a victim of Katzky. After a while, the management of the newspaper suspended him from his position. On Saturday, he decided to speak out on the matter.

Kącki translates on Facebook

Markin Katzki He was fired from his job at “Gazeta Wyborcza” after the journalist was accused of sexual violence. Everything started with his “confession”, which became a text: “My Journalism – Alcohol, Failed Therapies, Women Loved Badly, Neglected Daughters and Fear of the Dawn”. Now he once again spoke about this issue – this time a statement on the social network.

“It's been a week since it was published “Gazeta Wyborcza” My report. I was asked to write a statement in a few words in response to the many articles and comments about me, as well as statements from people who do not know me and have not witnessed my journey,” he began. Markin Katzki.

Then he added: “I want to leave this matter with full responsibility to the committee to clarify. “I fought” My attitude towards my friends, colleagues and co-workers. I am waiting for a reliable verification procedure and the participation of all those who express any opposition to my attitude,” he said.

In his note, the journalist commented among others: with the relationship Karolina Rogaska. “My relationship with Karolina Rogaska, as can be judged from her message, does not relate to the incident in which a vulture attacks a woman. This is the story of two meetings. The first, at the literary festival in Miedzianka, in the summer of 2017, and the last, also in 2017, in the apartment where I lived then and where he came. Karolina Rogaska, And the course of this meeting was different than what was described,” he said.

“It was a social gathering and Our relationship soon endedAnd not because then I felt that someone's behavior was unworthy, but I didn't want to mix professional and personal relationships,” Katski added.

In the statement on Saturday, the journalist also commented on the actions Institute of Reporting, where Kącki was one of the tutors. He stated that “he was never officially informed that he was fired or expelled from the reporting school.”

“In the course of a long time However, I expressed reservations about the functioning of this schoolAnd his staff knows the allegations I've made, the ethics I've upheld, and the inquiries they've received about me over the years from students at the school. I would like them to be checked again if there is any doubt in this regard,” he concluded.

Scandal after the text of “Vyborchi” journalist

Let us remind you that a huge scandal broke out after Marcin Ketski's text “My journalism – alcohol, failed therapies, badly loved women, neglected daughters and the fear of dawn”. Among others, the journalist described: his inappropriate behavior towards women, including attempted rape.

He told this to many of them He called with a sincere apology And these were accepted. The article also reveals that he has undergone therapy, and the lyrics aim to encourage other men to come to terms with their dark pasts in a similar way.

Among them described man The conversation was about the situation that happened between them at one time with the “young journalist”. It turned out that his victim was “Newsweek” journalist Karolina Rogaska, who described in detail on Facebook the situation in which Katsky He behaved vulgarly and persistently towards her.

“Marcin, if you were so sincere in your text, why didn't you write directly, What did you do to me and the other girls? Why didn't you write that you would treat my repeated “no” as null, why didn't you tell me that “you say no now and when you're thirty you won't be so picky and run all the time you want”? How do you think it's okay to strip and masturbate despite my obvious fear? Disgusting behavior,” he described Rogaska.

The Institute of Reportage, where Marcin Katski taught classes, also commented on this issue. “Karolina Rogaska He is a graduate of the Polish school of reporting and our friend. We found out a few weeks ago He was fouled by Marcin Kącki. We have dismissed him from cooperation with PSR students and informed him of the reasons for this decision,” the statement said.

Also read:,skandal-z-udzialem-marcina-kackiego-instytut-reportazu-zapowiedzial-kare

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