“Homosexuality is entering the church. Evangelicals do not see the gravity of the situation because they are busy apologizing for their seemingly barbaric homophobia, true or not. If sin is no longer sin, we no longer need a savior. This is a question about the gospel,” tweeted Dr. Aaron Edwards, who had previously defended the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, and strongly argued for it. Abortion.

Fired for posting about LGBT

He was a lecturer and program director at Methodist College. After this announcement, there was an uproar in the LGBT community. Cliff College quickly and publicly condemned the tweet as “unacceptable”. Dr. Edwards was asked to remove the post. When he said he could not in good conscience, he was fired and then fired, it said, “for bringing the college into disrepute.” .”

– I was talking about… the evangelical cowardice of not opposing what was clearly happening against the background of aggressive secularization and invasion of the church. The main reason for what I am doing now is to raise awareness of this issue and to seek justice. The specificity of this situation is that there is a conflict between a faith-based institution and one of its employees. It's as if the world entered the church, entered the Christian institution, entered among those who should be your brothers and sisters in Christ – he said in an interview with CBN Digital.

Earlier, in an article in Prime Christianity, Dr. Edwards wrote: “There are certain principles that Christians are no longer allowed to proclaim, even to other Christians. There is a growing expectation that we should keep quiet about our beliefs, especially if they. may offend others. However, when religious Beliefs remain unexpressed and unused in life, they dissolve. Often this happens gradually and imperceptibly. Just yesterday I received a message from an Eastern European pastor who heard about my situation. He said: “I am a Romanian who lived under communism and now in a 'free' country I see it 1,000 times worse.” I've lost count of the number of people who have contacted me from around the world expressing how devastated they are by the failure. Christian Leaders Challenging LGBT+ Ideology in the Church. Progressive ideals of inclusivity no longer embrace many Christian beliefs. Increasingly There is more silence on the subject of sin.We must always be wise in what we say. But wise speech does not always mean gentle speech. The desire to keep quiet about biblical authors comes more often from a desire to protect our reputation than from a desire to love our neighbors sincerely and passionately. We have come to believe that speaking harshly about sin is a lack of love. On the contrary: if we do not explain the seriousness of sin to unbelievers, we undermine the very gospel that can save them. Sometimes the “wrong tone” is the most appropriate. I have never heard of anyone being persecuted in the West for saying, “Jesus loves you.” The problems usually start when you define how Jesus loves us because He does not want us to remain in sin. Paradoxically, now that the freedom of Christian speech is increasingly threatened, the Western Church has more opportunities to be “the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). However, we must face the consequences of being in this light – darkness does not like to be “exposed” (Eph. 5:11). We should be more and more prepared for job losses, for worse. Jesus never promised that the storm would be easy, but He did promise that when it was over, our home would be left. And it will, regardless of what anyone on Twitter tells you. ”

With the support of the Christian Legal Center, Dr. Aaron Edwards filed a lawsuit against the university for discrimination and unfair dismissal, as well as harassment. They threatened to transfer the case to the anti-terrorist organization. Lawyers representing Dr Edwards claim the university has unlawfully interfered with his rights under the European Convention on Human Rights. He is seeking compensation for unfair dismissal and compensation under the Equality Act. An employment tribunal hearing is expected later this year.

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TD MP: Raising children by homosexuals is better than in church marriage
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