Poland is building a deep-water container terminal in Świnoujście. Last July, Szczecin and Świnoujście seaports signed a preliminary lease agreement with a Belgian-Qatari consortium for a plot of land located in the outer port of Świnoujście. The Ministry of Infrastructure emphasizes that the investment will provide the Central and Southern European region with recharging and that this is an “extraordinary challenge and opportunity” for Poland.

Meanwhile, Germany does not like the project. Business Insider described the arguments used by our Western neighbors to justify their opposition to Polish investments. The website itself notes that “the German coast in the border state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern looks idyllic,” but “on the horizon is a place dominated by cranes, elevators and other large industrial installations. This is Świnoujście. Fast-growing Polish. Port city.”

Jack warns Tusk

Patrick Jacqui dedicated the latest video published on the social network to the topic of port construction in Swinoujscie.

– We should have our own big investments. The Poles are building a port in Świnoujście and have announced the unblocking of rivers and PLN 60 billion in investments to make money from transporting goods from the north. This is a great plan to create generations of wealth for Poles. However, we know that if we do this, Germany will lose billions. Today, all goods transported on the Scandinavia-Southern Europe route flow by sea to Germany, and from local ports by rail or south along the Elbe River. River transport was a strength in Poland. Even then, rafting on the Vistula was made much more difficult by the Teutonic Knights, the politician said.


Jaki recalled the latest data of Polish ports. In 2022, the volume of goods increased by 18 percent compared to the same period of the previous year and was 133 million tons. Thanks to the construction of the container port in Swinoujscie, it will be a serious competitor of Hamburg in 6-7 years.

– Two years ago, German MEP Ms. Neumann spoke in an interview about the secret meetings of the opponents of this investment, who want to block it, so that the Poles do not get rich at the expense of Germany. The new voivode of West Pomerania, Adam Rudawski, has already started work on the creation of the Odra Valley National Park, which will block Polish investment and our development, Jaki noted.

(translate tags)jaki

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