Portal DoRzeczy.pl published about itHow the Minister of Justice tried to remove the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski. Let's remind that Adam Bodnar wanted to hand over the decision to Barski, in which he justified that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022 by the previous Prosecutor General, Zbigniew Ziobro, was in violation of the current regulations and did not have legal effect.

Kaczynski: illegal procedure

On Sunday, the President of Law and Justice, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, commented on the recent events at the Prosecutor's Office. The former vice prime minister emphasized that the entire operation conducted by the ruling coalition was illegal. First of all, as Kaczynski pointed out, what He also said earlier Prosecutor Robert Hernand, the act does not include the function of acting national prosecutor. Therefore, Prime Minister Tusk had no legal basis to appoint Jacek Biljewicz to perform this function.

– This whole procedure, which is currently used, is completely illegal. This is characteristic and indicates, on the one hand, a great deal of confusion and, on the other hand, a panic caused, as one might suppose, by a feeling of danger from the actions of the prosecution. These are 144 prosecutors who are to be dismissed and who are conducting various investigations and activities, the PiS president said.

The need for reforms

Kaczynski believes that after the change of government, a deep reform of the law will be necessary, with the provisions of the constitution at the forefront. In his view, the constitution has “failed” because it does not sufficiently protect the legal system from the type of actions currently being carried out by Donald Tusk's government. The politician added that the reform is so necessary that it should be carried out “even if it has to be done using special acts that are adopted on a special basis”.

– This is just another proof that Prime Minister Tusk simply does not recognize that there are any laws in Poland. In a sense, it stops recognizing the existence of the Polish state altogether, because of course the state has many different aspects, but it also includes the legal system. If someone does not recognize this, it means that he does not recognize the state, he said.

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Kaczynski warns: all this can end tragically
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Prof. Dudek: I advise PiS against such rhetoric, because it just makes fun of them

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