The President of Law and Justice responded to the attempt by the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar to arrest the prosecutor's office. According to Jaroslaw Kaczynski, a comprehensive change of the law in Poland is needed to prevent similar actions in the future. The former vice prime minister emphasized that the entire operation conducted by the ruling coalition was illegal. First of all, as Kaczynski pointed out, what He also said earlier Prosecutor Robert Hernand, the act does not include the function of acting national prosecutor. Therefore, Prime Minister Tusk had no legal basis to appoint Jacek Biljewicz to perform this function.

– This whole procedure, which is currently used, is completely illegal. This is characteristic and indicates, on the one hand, a great deal of confusion and, on the other hand, a panic caused, as one might suppose, by a feeling of danger from the actions of the prosecution. These are 144 prosecutors who are to be dismissed and who are conducting various investigations and activities, the PiS president said.

“A cat is priceless”

After the politician's speech, media representatives asked questions. A TVN journalist asked if the display of pictures of “ultimately convicted politicians” on the monument of the Home Army does not detract from the memory of the Home Army? We are talking about the situation that happened on Thursday “Protest of Free Poles” organized by PiS in front of the Sejm.

– This is not offensive, they are not criminals, just heroes. People who have taken on the very difficult task of fighting corruption. Let me remind you that when the anti-corruption conference was organized for the first time in 1991, action was immediately taken against these accusations and it was immediately found that I was the most corrupt person in Poland. As for the declaration of my property, I easily wrote under sentence of imprisonment that my possessions consisted of a few books and a cat, which were priceless. – answered the head of law and justice.

Also read:
Kaczynski: This constitution has failed. The system needs to be completely reformed
Also read:
Echo of edition. “Bodnar transferred responsibility, Tusk washed his hands”

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