Islamists, in a natural, dispersed way, culturally mixing, are not able to take over our civilization. Tatars assimilated into Poland, they are Muslims and do not pose any threat, they are loyal Poles. They do not claim special rights, privileges or benefits for themselves. Equality before the law is enough for them, as it is for all Poles.

Yet when the Islamists colonize us in a deliberate, planned way, heavily financed by their countries, they easily take Europe for themselves. Their civilization is strong religiously and demographically, while the Western civilization is weakening and dying. We Poles have a chance to survive and defend ourselves, but we must do it actively. We must understand that we are engaged in a hybrid civilizational war.

Sharia-ruled caliphates in Germany, France and Sweden will certainly be established in a few decades – it is irreversible. The demographic phenomenon has been going on for years, but it is inevitable. Islamists only need 30% of the country's population to establish a caliphate, because that means they will have 50% in some municipalities. There will be no bloody war or revolution, they will do it democratically, taking over the power of the local government first.

At the moment, Islamists are not a problem in Poland, because they are making all efforts to colonize Western Europe. However, as soon as caliphates are established there with Sharia laws and I set foot in our country, they will also conquer us. Therefore, it is important that they do not have such a stronghold – and therefore places where even one block is mainly populated by Islamists. Such places do not create a big problem in the first place, as it was a few decades ago in the West. However, cereal grains and scoops are collected.

We should not agree to transfer immigrants to Poland. We must not allow immigrants who teach Islam to create no-go zones in our country, and it is absolutely unacceptable for them to create any camps or any gatherings. Every Islamist among us is another enemy. An enemy that will try to overthrow our civilization. Perhaps many of them do this unconsciously, they do not know that they are soldiers in a hybrid war. Especially when it's a child. Now he doesn't know, but he will find out, because he was raised as an Islamist, a jihadist, a fighter for his own civilization.

We Poles are also dying demographically, but our culture may survive when Christians from the West, forced by Islamists, flee to us. When caliphates are established there, the Germans, French and Swedes will flee to us from persecution. So, on the one hand, we should close ourselves to Islamist immigration, but open to Christian immigration. It is important that they are Christians and not atheists or elgibetists who promote the tolerance of jihadists there.

Such an active bipolar immigration policy should be used today, without the attention of the state, which, like any occupier, only harms us. Each of us, within our capacity, should be kind, friendly, caring and hospitable to the Christians of our civilization, Germans, Ukrainians, French, Belarusians, Swedes, Dutch, Scots or even Brazilians, Mexicans, Australians or Americans who want to live with us. Nevertheless, we must be unkind, unpleasant, evil, intolerant, aggressive towards the Arabs, the Elgibeters who love them and all other Muslims and their useful idiots (except the already assimilated ones like our Tatars). This is a general rule to follow.

Of course, this does not apply to tourists. All tourists should be welcome here. However, only if he pays a fair market price for his stay. We should only pursue Islamists who buy from us or receive from the state an apartment, house or other permanent residence. Civilization hybrid war is going on and it is implicit and covert in nature, so we need to be vigilant and rational and act thoughtfully and not emotionally. Muslim tourists who come here for espionage should be treated in such a way that when they return they will tell the officers: We will not conquer Poland, there is no chance for us to focus on the already almost conquered Western countries. And all Christians from the West, or even from the East, should return to Poland after the holiday and tell their families: if the Islamists spread so much in our country that it becomes unbearable, we will flee to Poland.

Grzegorz GPS Świderski

PS. Related Notes:

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