There are no actions taken by the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, against the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski. then Criticism On behalf of President Andrzej Duda, the group was joined by Deputy Prosecutor Generals, judges, lawyers and experts, regional prosecutors and local department heads of the Organized Crime and Corruption Department of the National Prosecutor's Office.

In a statement, they express strong opposition to the attempts to dismiss Dariusz Barski and emphasize that they were carried out in violation of the law and do not have any legal effect.

Another protest

The authors of the letter indicate that the procedure for the appointment and dismissal of the national prosecutor is precisely described in the Law of January 28, 2016 “On Public Prosecutor's Office”. We remind you that the National Prosecutor, as the first deputy of the Prosecutor General, and other deputies of the Prosecutor General are appointed from among the prosecutors of the National Prosecutor's Office, and these functions are released by the Prime Minister at the request of the Prosecutor General. . The National Prosecutor and other Deputy Prosecutor Generals are appointed after receiving the opinion of the President of the Republic of Poland and are dismissed with his written consent.

“The argument presented by the Minister of Justice, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar regarding the resignation of the National Prosecutor, Mr. Dariusz Barski, is groundless and is only an ineffective attempt to justify the actions aimed at circumventing the law,” the letter reads. document.

The authors of the statement believe that Dariusz Barski is still the national prosecutor and the actions of Adam Bodnar have no legal force and do not give legal effect.

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Echo of edition. “Bodnar transferred responsibility, Tusk washed his hands”

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