Saturday in Gdansk 5th anniversary of the tragic death of the mayor of the cityThe event “Light for Pavel Adamovits” was organized. The event was attended not only by the family members of Pavel Adamovich, but also by politicians of the civil platform, including: Prime Minister Donald Tusk. During his speech, the head of the government talked a lot about the fight against hatred and dispute resolution. – We gathered in our and my beloved city to remind all of Poland and Europe of this tragic event. The reason for our meeting is the tragic death and brutal attack on the President of Gdańsk, Pawel Adamowicz, Tusk said.

Dulkiewicz: I smile when I think about it

Adamowicz was also mentioned by the mayor of Gdańsk. We remind you that in 2017-2019, Aleksandra Dulkevich worked as the deputy mayor of the city.

– Pavel Adamowicz taught us to boldly look into the future with respect for the history of Gdańsk and Pomerania. The motto of our coat of arms: “neither cowardly nor bold” translated into everyday life – investments, expansion of the city. He cared about other people, Dułkiewicz emphasized on Polskie Radio 24.

He had the soul of an immigrant – in 1945 the population of Gdańsk was 95 percent. There were new people, today – half of them were not born here. The fact that we give love to these walls means a lot. This is what Pavel Adamovich taught us – he emphasized. Dulkevich notes that “The days around January 13 and 14 are always remembered. I smile at them when I think of the sense of community. There were so many people who knew how to stay together and hug each other every day after the death of Pavel Adamovich. People didn't want to be alone.”

– Pavel Adamovich spoke to us, his colleagues. I smile thinking about him because he was a very open boss who gave a lot of freedom. He was able to overcome disputes between subordinates, although he was sometimes choleric, but he quickly got over it – he recalled in PR24.

Also read:
Tusk: Adamovic would like us all to smile

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