“Together with the President of the Republic of Poland and the farmers, today we paid tribute to Vincent Witos, an outstanding Polish politician, a true leader of the people's movement. Władysław Kośniak-Kamiś's party deals with Vitos' heritage and the pre-war period. PSL, but the current PSL is actually a group derived from the ZSL created by the communists,” claims the former prime minister.

Szydlo claims that “the modern PSL has nothing of the patriotic spirit of Vitos, we see this especially now when the PSL openly supports Tusk's anti-democratic actions. At the same time, the PSL does nothing to protect the Polish countryside and Polish farmers. ”

“PSL politicians, as we recently heard, are ready to support LGBT demands. PSL has turned into a useless side dish for Tusk and has nothing to do with the people's movement– says the politician.

Kosińak-Kamish replied to the president. “Worth Implementation”

Before that, MrResident Andrzej Duda spoke about the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vincent Vitos in Wierzkhoslawice.

In his speech, the politician talked about Vitos's attitude and The current situation in the country. – Vincent Witos wanted a free, sovereign, independent and democratic Poland without its ills, such as corruption. Therefore, among others, he left PSL and founded PSL Piast, because he was against the weakness and corruption of the then party government. He knew how such a phenomenon destroys the country and that they should be condemned with all their might. Where is the PSL today? He is part of the ruling coalition that imprisons MPs – asked President Duda.

What does the head of PSL say about this? “Vincent Witos fought for a law-abiding, free and democratic Poland. A Poland where everyone is equal before the law and the interests of the party are never higher than the interests of the motherland. It is worth it, except for the leader. The people's movement implements the ideas he was committed to,” wrote Vice- Prime Minister Władysław Kosińak-Kamiś on the X website.

Also read:
President's harsh speech. “The terror of the rule of law. Where is the PSL today?”

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