“Business class” is new The money.pl program is available on YouTube. Editor Lukasz Kijek talks to people from the business environment, current and former heads of the largest companies – about their lives, businessprofit and many other issues. We invite you to an interview with entrepreneur Jakub Tepper, owner of four restaurants of the Min's Table, Kim Chi Ken and Tonari brands, employing more than 60 people.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: A frank conversation with a restaurateur. He reveals how much he earns – Jakub Tepper – Business Class #13

What should you know if you want to open a restaurant?

One of the main indicators in the restaurant business is the so-called food cost, i.e. the cost of the meal and its preparation. Jakub Tepper makes it clear that a good menu also consciously includes dishes that make no or minimal profit, but are loved by customers.

– Calculation of food costs is an important part of business. We have one person who is a cook, not for inventing dishes, but a so-called operational cook. This is complicated by significant price fluctuations. First, we calculate how much the recipe for the dish costs, says Tepper. According to him As a model, the cost of ingredients should be about 30 percent of the price.

Be honest about business. How much do you earn per meal?

So how much would you earn for, say, one ramen soup that costs, say, PLN 40 on the menu? – 30 percent of this price (about PLN 12) is the cost of ingredients – explains the restaurateur. But this does not mean that the rest is profit. – More than 30%, or about PLN 12-15, will be the cost of employment of people who prepare food and serve customers. In addition, you also need to add the cost of the building, maintenance of the equipment, leasing and other charges. From all this, about PLN 5-6 remains from one ramen, he explains.

Is it true that a restaurant makes the most money on drinks, such as water, which can cost a few zlotys? – This is a kind of business model that I fundamentally disagree with. Water is free for our customers – explains the “business class” guest.

In the previous episodes of the program, Lukasz Kijek spoke:

All episodes are available here link.

Łukasz Kijek, editorial director of Money

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