“Today there is a lot of talk about prisons and the conditions of serving sentences there. A few words about the fact that the rights of prisoners are human rights. And that all prisoners always have and will always be treated equally,” wrote the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. MS Krzysztof X on the website Śmiszek. Earlier, the ministry published a memo in which the deputy minister states, among other things, that “all prisoners are entitled to a number of rights.” – Everyone can maintain relationships with family and other close people. He has the right to religious freedom, as well as contact with his representative or attorney, Schmishek said. The recording was published after the incident Arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik.


Andrzej Kolodziejski, head of NSZZ “Solidarności” in the prison system, notes that the deputy minister talks a lot about the rights of prisoners, but does not mention their obligations.

“The most important rights are not obligations”

“I would like to comment on the last speech of the Deputy Minister of Justice, Krzysztof Šimišek. In my opinion, this is inappropriate to say the least, it sounds like an incentive to serve a prison sentence. The minister mentions in his speech. The rights of prisoners, which are not subject to discussion, although the obligations of people in prison are not mentioned, perhaps this is due to the left-wing worldview, where rights and not obligations are the most important,” the post reads. on Facebook.

The unionist goes on to claim that the most shocking thing is Mr Schmishek's recent statement that all prisoners can protest as they please. “For me, this statement bears the signs of a call for speeches. In my opinion, this is an extremely irresponsible action on the part of a very high official of the government. May God protect us!” – summarizes Kolodzievsky.

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