After this confrontation, even the leader of the conservative wing of the civil coalition could not stand it. Roman Giertich asks for an explanation regarding the Holy Cross (Łysiec) and the decision to remove part of the Swietokrzyskie National Park. During the PiS government, the territory was handed over to the Oblate Order.

Roman Giertich wants clarifications regarding the Holy Cross

According to “Gazeta Wyborcza”. Roman Girtikh He turned to her Ministry of Climate and Environment Protection Requests information regarding the decision “on removal of 1.34 ha area of ​​Swietokrzyski National Park”.

The Supreme Audit Office found that there was a violation of the Nature Protection Act. “By the regulation of the Council of Ministers, three plots were excluded from the Svietokriski National Park, although there was no normative basis for this”, – we read in the statement of the Higher Audit Service.

Let's note that during the rule of law and justice, a narrative emerged about the “irreversible loss of natural and cultural values” of this area.

According to Giertich, the Kielce District Office signed a 50-year lease agreement and thus transferred the plots excluded from the national park. Religious House of the Missionary Adorers of Mary Immaculate on Holy Cross.

In the interpellation of the KO MP, it is noted that he requests “detailed information regarding the reasons for the decision to remove part of the park's territory” and a description of the legislative process on this issue. In addition, Giertich sent eight questions to the Ministry of Climate and Environmental Protection, including: the issue of scientific research related to the areas Swietokrzyski National Park.

Clergy are losing influence. Donald Tusk spoke about the church foundation

At the end of December last year Donald Tusk The conversation touched on the controversy related to the budget, which the coalition government is working on on October 15. There have been rumors that the new government is already reneging on some of its election promises. “I want to reassure those concerned: we will discuss the issue of the church fund and the transfer of funds from TVP to pediatric oncology next Wednesday at the Council of Ministers,” wrote Prime Minister Donald Tusk on the X platform.

liquidation of the church fund and fate PLN 2 billion from TVP for cancer treatment – These are the “specific” numbers in the list 16 and 99 A hundred KO election promises. It should be noted that at the beginning of January, the Ministry of Justice announced the suspension of payments from the Justice Fund. This means that many entities, including father Tadeusz Rydzik's foundation Lux Veritas, may temporarily forget about the injection of public money.

“The reason for the audit is to determine whether specific grants are being awarded.” corresponds to the objectives of the Foundation and principles derived from the Public Finance Act, such as transparency, economy and purposefulness. Justice Fund It is a dedicated fund and it should finance only precisely specified state tasks”, – we read in the statement of the Ministry.

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