– This year I wanted to auction something absolutely extraordinary – says Donald Tusk in a post shared on social networks regarding the upcoming finale of the Grand Orchestra of Christmas Charity. This is a mechanical pencil that belonged to General Wladyslaw Sikorsky. Years later, the gift from the Polish American Society reached the Prime Minister and can now be auctioned along with a book signed by the politician.

In a note bearing the logo of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, the head of government presents a memorial to the wartime prime minister of the Polish Republic in exile. – I received a present in this box, accompanied by a letter from Mr. Zbigniew Sztrans – announced Prime Minister Tusk.

The previous owner received the mechanical pencil for storage from the godfather, who He was one of the drivers of the tragically killed General Sikorsky. He gave an extraordinary gift to the soldier Chairman of the Polish American Congress on his trip to the USA. – is dedicated to the pencil: To the leader of the nation, Leon Valkovich, 1940 – added the Prime Minister based on the letter of Strans.

32nd Christmas Charity Grand Orchestra Final. General Sikorsky's automatic pencil will help the lungs of the Poles

As the politician noted, the item is partially made of gold. In front of the cameras, he showed that despite the passage of time, the pencil still works and He wrote a dedicated book with him “The Fall of the Roman Empire” by Peter Heather. – A book that has become quite popular in the last one year – added the Prime Minister, referring to one of the notes he was reading.

A pencil and a book can be found on Allegro. Sunday at 21 With the items donated by the Prime Minister, the auction has already reached 42.1 thousand. zloty.

This is the 32nd edition of WOŚP, which this year is held under the slogan “Everything is good here! Good! Lungs after the pandemic. We play for children and adults”. The final collection It is scheduled for Sunday, January 28. The foundation would like to allocate the funds collected this year to, among other things, the purchase of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound devices, bronchoscopic examination systems and pulmonary rehabilitation equipment used in the therapy of patients after lung transplantation.

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