Host Grzegorz Kepka asked the political scientist what was planned for Monday Prime Minister Donald Tusk's meeting with President Andrzej Duda – As an expert, I don't expect much. We already had a meeting between the President and the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, and this meeting was ineffective in terms of reaching a common point of view, and I am not waiting here either, he said. Dr. Wawrzyniek KonarskiHe added that although he is currently enjoying a “great harvest” as a political science expert, the conflict is a cause for concern at the highest political level.

Wawrzyniek Konarski: Politicians dragged citizens into the conflict

– This is another embodiment of what we call “War on the mountain” or “Poland-Poland warThis is the situation tiring and dangerousAfter the conflict between President Lech Wallen and Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki, it repeats itself like a relapse – explained the guest of the program, adding that then the public decided to support Stan Tyminski. – It was a kind of yellow card for the elites of that time. who wanted to divide too quickly without completing the reform phase. Today we have a political conflict between two political structures that come from the same stem. We, the citizens, who are involved in this conflict They have the right to give the political class a yellow or even a red card today. The political class should not forget that people have their own intelligence, said the political scientist.

According to Konarski, with two major political camps at odds, that's the most important thing. “Finding important issues for the security of the nation and the state”. – We must have a strong state with people both in power and in the opposition, as well as with strong laws. in Polish conditions The whole problem is that the legal community is also divided And for most people who only occasionally watch politics, The whole complex of conflicts that are happening today simply does not make sense anymore – claims the expert, adding that this may lead to dangerous “alienation”.

look: Andrzej Duda on the actions of the Prosecutor General: another gross violation of the law

A political scientist from the Vistula University of Finance and Business also noted The Confederation's proposal for a “constitutional reset”. That is, the creation of the new National Council, the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court by different groups of politicians. – He treats seriously any proposal that is going to stabilize the country and calm the nerves (…) However, he puts forward this proposal. A party of strong populist originsWithout the experience of implementing real governance, based on claims and ideas that are often quite risky. I'm afraid it won't be taken seriously – commented Konarsky and noted that It would be better if the legal community came up with such a proposal.

Watch: Wawrzyniek Konarski “Guest of the Event”: The situation in Polish politics is dangerous

About political scientist A. Duda: he will be considered the least independent president of the Republic of Poland

Dr. Konarski was also asked for his thoughts on the presidential inauguration Pardon procedures for Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesic with the participation of the prosecutor's office. – This is a move aimed at Andrzej Duda to avoid a formula that could be uncomfortable for him in the context of the past. Andrzej Duda is a person who, I think, He will be considered the least independent president in the history of the Republic of Poland And what he's doing today is a strategy to increase his assets in the united right, the political scientist said, adding that PiS is a “leader's” party and has little in common with the Vincent Vitos ethos the president was referring to. Sunday.

look: A. Duda on the birthday celebration of V. Vitos: PSL participates in the coalition that imprisons MPs

– I said in 2015 We are entering the déjà vu of 1926-1930. PiS taking power is a repeat of that time Actions to progressively restrict civil liberties, which then led to the creation of Centrolew and the Brest process. Andrzej Duda has nothing to do with this tradition, when it comes to the opposition of 1926-30, he is on the exact opposite side, so we are talking about hypocrisy – Konarski said, placing PiS in the “rehabilitation tradition”.

You can see previous episodes of “Event Guest”. 🤦.

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