Ryszard Zarnecki reported on the health condition of PiS politician Mariusz Kaminski, who has been on hunger strike for several days behind bars. The PiS MEP even spoke about the possible danger to his life.

Rysard Zarnetsky On Sunday, he was a guest of the “Seventh Day of the Week” program on Radio Zet. Speaking with Andrzej Stankiewicz, the MEP insisted Mariusz Kaminski is in poor health.

– The health condition of one of them is very serious. Mariusz Kaminski's condition is very serious after several days of fasting. This may threaten his life in the near future. This is not a field of political games, it is also a matter for families, said the politician.

Then the presenter recalled the statement of the Deputy Minister of Justice, Maria Ezhart-Dubois, who was asked about the hunger strike. Mariusz Kaminskio He stated that “everyone has the right not to eat or drink” and asked the Deputy Minister of Defense in the studio about this issue. Cesar Tomczyk by KO.

– I remember the words of Yaroslav Kaczynski, who said that when the nurses protested: “Skip dinner is not hunger” – he answered.

Later in the conversation, Czarnetsky focused on the role Minister Adam Bodnar Regarding the release of convicted PiS members.

– Here, I agree with the opinion of the critic of PiS, Mr. Marshall Krzysztof Bosak. At the moment, everything depends on the good will or good will of the Minister of Justice and the government. If the minister wants, gentlemen Kaminsky and Vesik While still in prison, he would be able to turn the case “turtle,” as officials say, he said.

– In terms of the escalation of political tension in the country, it would be better if the ministers Kaminsky and Vesik They were released – added the MEP.

He also commented on the president's decision to take a longer path to pardons. – In the political dimension, the president could use such a formula To some extent, he referred the matter to the government and the Minister of Justice. The Minister of Justice is now 100% responsible for this, these people who fought corruption are not criminals, but sheriffs and the symbols of the fight against corruption are in jail,” he said. Zarnetsky.

Kaminsky announced a hunger strike

Deputies were given the final verdict Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński They consider themselves political prisoners. This formulation has been rejected by many legal authorities – including Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

After the first night of imprisonment, Kaminsky could not agree with the decision of justice, took radical steps – He announced a hunger strike. He stated this in the statement of his advisor Andrzej Duda.

“I declare that I consider my conviction in the fight against corruption and the illegal actions of depriving the parliamentary mandate as an act of political retribution. Therefore, as a political prisoner, from the first day of imprisonment. I am starting a hunger strike protest” – he wrote.

The former Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration demanded to be released from prison and to respect the act of mercy. Published by Andrzej Duda in 2015. However, it should be emphasized that accordingly Supreme Court “The application of the amnesty law before the date of entry into legal force of the decision has no procedural effect” – therefore it is considered invalid.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/536102,powiedz-kaminski-i-wasik-wyjda-na-wolnosc-myrcha-rozwial-watpliwosci

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