“His supporters are praying for his recovery. His opponents are also crossing their fingers as they want to bring to justice one of the key officials of the PiS regime,” reads the cover of “Newsweek” under the headline “Where is Ziobro”.

Janusz Kowalski, deputy of sovereign Poland, commented on the publication. “They know that Zbigniew Ziobro is seriously ill. They know that he is fighting for his life. They know that the rightists miss him very much because he was right in everything. But they are following, attacking and manipulating,” the politician said. wrote on the X website.


Zbigniew Ziobro is seriously ill

Last December, Sovereign Poland announced that Zbigniew Ziobro would be temporarily absent from politics due to health reasons. The work of the party is currently managed by the presidium, which is chaired by MEP Patrick Jacques.

“We wish our president a lot of strength and a speedy recovery. Please respect the right of the president and his family to their private lives during his recovery,” said a statement from Sovereign Poland.

Jaki revealed in a conversation with the media that doctors diagnosed Ziobro with a malignant tumor. – This diagnosis hit him and us like a bolt from the blue – he emphasized.

– Minister Zbigniew Ziobro has a very serious oncological disease. He is undergoing very intensive treatment. When I spoke to him, he urged everyone to take care of their health, Jacek Ozdoba, the representative of sovereign Poland, said a few days ago.

What did Newsweek find?

“Newsweek” claims that the authorities will appoint experts to examine Ziobro's health if he does not appear at the request of the investigation commissions of the envelope elections and Pegasus. According to the newspaper, both committees want to interrogate the former Minister of Justice. This will happen even if Ziobro does not respond to their summons.

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