“On December 13, 2023, I was appointed as the Minister of Justice – Prosecutor General, which I respect, but above all, the obligation to the society, which demands the restoration and guarantee of the standards of the rule of law. A month after I took this honorable position”, Adam Bodnar noted.

“One of the important bodies that requires renewal is the Prosecutor's Office, which in the last eight years has experienced negative changes related to the limitation of the independence of the Prosecutor's Office and its politicization. The implementation of specific interests, which translated into a lack of interest in comprehensive and real management, the entire structure to ensure appropriate conditions for the performance of tasks, disproportions in the assignment of official duties, significant differences in the field of remuneration. and in general, the lack of vision of the functioning of the institution”, – we read in the letter of the Minister of Justice to the prosecutors and other employees of the prosecutor's office.

Bodnar announces important changes

“I come to the prosecutor's office as a person who cares about the protection of the rule of law and strives to be faithful to the provisions of the Constitution. Therefore, first of all, I will take actions aimed at restoring the functioning of the country to European standards. Prosecutor's Office”, said Adam Bodnar.

Therefore, the first problem to be solved is the issue of staff stabilization, both in the field of the prosecutor's office and the clerical staff,” the Minister of Justice wrote.

“Regarding prosecutors and prosecutor's evaluators, as a result of the efforts of the Ministry of Justice, the statutory rule for determining the remuneration for 2024, as well as the payment of labor remuneration for 2023, was restored. Civil servants and other employees of the Prosecutor's Office. The office will also receive a significant 20% increase,” we read.

On Monday, Bodnar announced that by the end of this week Presents assumptions for the actwhich separates the offices of the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General.

Confusion surrounding the National Prosecutor

Portal DoRzeczy.pl published about itHow the Minister of Justice tried to remove the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski. Adam Bodnar wanted to hand Barski a decision in which he justified that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022 by the then General Prosecutor Zbigniew Ziobro was carried out in violation of the current regulations and had no legal effect.

Illegal actions of Minister Bodnar were opposed by the prosecutor with 30 years of experience, Robert Hernand, who was the deputy general prosecutor for 14 years. He held this position after Andrzej Szeremety was appointed Prosecutor General under the PO-PSL government.

Also read:
Bodnar deputies wrote a letter to the head of the European Commission. “An attack on one of the most important institutions”
Also read:
Echo of DoRzeczy.pl edition. Bodnar requests to open a case against his deputy

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