DJ Radoslav Ibron died tragically in a car accident. A 28-year-old young man was going to the hospital to take his beloved and newborn son. Friends put together a collection for women and children. Meanwhile, the concerned person himself spoke and commented on the unfavorable comments.

The incident happened on January 11, 2024. Three cars collided with each other, he was in one of them Radoslav Ibron with friend. They had to pick up Ibron's partner Claudia and newborn son Philip from the hospital.

Unfortunately, the DJ died at the scene. Her acquaintances and friends decided to organize a fundraiser to help the single mother and little boy in their daily life.

The goal of the initiative was PLN 30,000. “On January 11, a tragic accident occurred in which our dear friend Radek was killed. Today, Radek had to take his beloved and long-awaited son Filipek from the maternity hospital. Unfortunately, fate wished otherwise. We are starting. This collection will make these days easier for his wife Claudia and orphan Filipek's son – we read in the description.

The late Radoslav Ibron's partner about fundraising and comments. “It wasn't my idea”

Harmful comments against Claudia appeared on the Internet, in which Internet users, among others, questioned the validity of the collection. The interested person himself decided to react.

He emphasized that he was not the initiator of the collection and called for respect for his mourning.

“I would like to correct the information about the fundraiser that was created to partially support Philip and me. I have received comments that are very painful for me. The collection is not my ideaI always kept to myself and never asked anyone for money. I'm closing the topic here and just asking you to respect our mourning,” he wrote on the social network.

Let's add that Radoslav Ibron was a successful DJ. He had a nickname DJ Ironi I He was a long-time resident of the Magnes club in Wola Rychwalska. Before that, he also held this position at the clubs Seven Heaven in Legnica and Heaven in Leszno.

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