I got the impression that the Prime Minister talked about only one issue, not about the law, but about the political attitudes in the ruling camp. It was the abortion issue.

On Friday, Prime Minister Donald Tusk gave his first interview as the new Prime Minister. In order not to favor any particular television, the conversation was published on three channels: TVN, Polsat and TVP. There were three presenters, many topics and little time.

In addition to the issues of Wasik and Kaminski, the rule of law, the public media and the relationship with the president, the question of the liberalization of abortion rights was raised. When answering most of the other questions, Tusk remained on the principle “first, the rule of law should be restored, and secondly, specialists will be settled, courts will judge, Minister Adam Bodnar will be asked about pardon, etc.”

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Anita Werner asked when the reproductive rights regulations would change. Tusk replied that the civil coalition would present the abortion bill by the 12th week. Will there be a majority in the Seimas? Tusk asked himself. And he himself answered that Shimon Holavnia and Władysław Kosniak-Kamish did not hide that they had a different view on this issue and “they got their 15 percent”. Tusk noted that he did not convince both men to accept the KO project. Therefore, he knows that he will probably not win the majority.

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They got 15 percent. It sounded like an excuse for something. At one point, Tusk said bluntly: “Remember, when you vote, listen to what the politicians say so there are no surprises later.” These words were a message to those who voted for the third way but hoped to liberalize abortion laws. Well, Tusk cannot reach an agreement with Mr. Holonia and Mr. Kosniak-Kamish on this issue. So if you voted TD, don't say you're surprised today that changes on women's rights won't happen soon. At least not by changing the law.

Tusk added that work is also underway to change practices in Polish hospitals. He spoke about the deaths of women whose lives were in danger and who could not wait to terminate their pregnancies. Yes, she used the term “termination of pregnancy.” The language is changing. One gets the impression that the Prime Minister understands the political problem Fear among doctors. That is why I want to give a clear signal to doctors – we must save women's lives.

The Prime Minister also said that the project of access to pills after morning is ready. He realized that the law in force for many was – as he said – ideological. You need a prescription for the pill, and the need to get that prescription is precisely to limit women's access to emergency contraception. Perhaps the Prime Minister understood this.

His coalition partners from the New Left heard this early, but Donald Tusk never even mentioned that he had a left-wing club. The rescue bill, that is, changes in the law so that promoting abortion will not be punishable. Doctors may fear this regulation.

Reminder: in the Criminal Code there is Art. 152, which is punishable by imprisonment for persuading or aiding abortion. According to this article, people who help or support women to have an abortion can face up to three years in prison. In 2021, the leftists proposed to delete this article from the Criminal Code. So that neither doctors nor anyone who supports a woman in buying pills or in a procedure to terminate a pregnancy should fear that the police will soon come to her house.

Donald Tusk has silenced the left, indicating that he either ignores it or hopes that KO can take up the issue of abortion and women's rights and declare any improvement in that a success.

There were also some words Referendum. The left is silent, but the prime minister remembers Holonia and Kosiniak. Especially the first often talks about the abortion referendum. Tusk said that he himself was against the idea, but wanted to ask the woman's opinion. I do not understand how this question of women whether they want a referendum or not will be carried out. Maybe in the next interview someone will ask if the Prime Minister is thinking about any broad consultations? What about the Citizens' Assembly? However, not only women are invited to the panel.

Donald Tusk repeated throughout the television interview that he would not resign. Also on the issue of women's rights. that his government is still looking for a way to solve problems through regulations.

It is interesting that when talking about the right to abortion, Prime Minister Tusk used less arguments from the field of human rights and spoke more about the political division on this issue. This says a lot about the attitude towards women's rights. Still less to think about law, more Political ideological division.

(Tags translated)Donald Tusk

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