According to the Ministry of Justice, Adam Bodnar appointed five social advisers on Monday. They will cooperate with the Prosecutor General on the current functioning of the Prosecutor's Office,” we read.

These are two lawyers, two prosecutors and the former Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor General.

Among the advisors were: lawyer Radoslav Basuk, professor Zbigniew Kwikalski, prosecutor Ivona Palka, prosecutor Krzysztof Parchimowicz, lawyer Mikolaj Pietrzak. – said in the statement.

Radoslav Bashuk

Member of the Warsaw Bar Association since 1995. In 2007-2013, a judge of the Disciplinary Court of the Warsaw Bar Association. Then (2013-2016) Vice-President of the Supreme Disciplinary Court of Advocates. is specialized. In criminal cases and disciplinary proceedings. For many years, he has been working as a lawyer's intern in the direction of lawyer's ethics and substantive criminal procedural law,” the Ministry of Justice said.

Zbigniew Chwikalski, former Minister of Justice in Tusk's first government

Bodnar's next advisor was Zbigniew Chwikalski, former Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General in 2007-2009.

“He is a professor of law, affiliated with the Jagiellonian University, and a lawyer with almost 30 years of experience. He represented Tomáš Komenda, who was accused of rape and murder of a minor and sentenced to 25 years in prison. He was released and released from prison after 18 years, Chivikalski was awarded the medal for the 75th anniversary of Jan Karski's mission,” the Ministry emphasizes.

Krzysztof Parchimowicz

The list of advisers to the Prosecutor General includes Krzysztof Parchimowicz, as the Ministry of Justice notes, “a prosecutor with more than 30 years of experience.” He worked in the General Prosecutor's Office and was the Director of the Organized Crime Bureau of the National Prosecutor's Office. “The so-called He was charged with allegedly delaying cases and “gross and flagrant dereliction of duty” for his opposition to the Mutiny Act, the statement said.

In 2022, the Prosecutor General's Disciplinary Court acquitted Parchimović of all charges. In 2017-2021, he was the President of the Association of Prosecutors “Lex Super Omnia”.

Ivona Palka

Bodnar's next advisor is prosecutor Ivona Palka, long-time head of the Katowice appeals prosecutor's office, now retired. 2015, Chairman of the Prosecutor's Examination Commission. In 2017-2021, member of the Board of Prosecutors' Association “Lex Super Omnia”. “Participant of a number of scientific conferences dedicated to civil society and criminal law issues,” the Ministry of Justice said.

Mikolaj Pietrzak

The Prosecutor General will also be advised by Mikolaj Pietrzak, lawyer, dean of the Warsaw District Bar Council, specialist in human rights issues, five-member board of directors of the United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture. 2016-2020), he chaired in 2018 and 2019.

“He also belongs to many international legal organizations such as the European Criminal Bar Association, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Fair Trial International Association. In 2013, he was the recipient of the Edward Wende Award for Respect for Fundamental Values. of the rule of law, such as adherence to constitutional ideals or acting in accordance with the norms of the law,” the ministry said in a statement.

Also read:
The President talked to Prosecutor Barski. The statement was released

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