Lubchik spoke recently on raising children by same-sex couples. He spoke about this on Polish Radio Szczecin. The MP not only supported the adoption of children by homosexual couples, but also noted that they can take better care of the child than a married couple.

– I am sure that raising children by homosexual couples is much better and these children are much more beloved than those married in the Catholic Church, whose children are repeatedly tortured. That's why I prefer these children to live in love in homosexual couples than to be tortured in married relationships. I also don't see any problem that such children should be brought up with love in partnership, – said the parliamentarian.

Rush: We disagree

MP Irineus Rush claims that Lubczyk did not represent the views of the entire PSL. – Of course, we do not agree with this statement. However, MP Lubcik informed me that he has now taken legal measures against the PiS MP who organized it – said Irineus Rash on RMF FM.

– Not a single PSL MP supports the adoption of children by homosexual couples, neither does Mr. Lubchik. I must tell you that I am aware that this statement has been edited and I stand by it. I believe the words of my colleague, he continued.

Will the Seimas work on “same-sex marriage”?

We want to introduce same-sex marriage – says Anna Maria Zhukovska. The Seimas should consider a draft law on introducing such a solution. The chairperson of the left-wing club, KO and Poland 2050 coalition partner, Anna Maria Žukowska announces the presentation of the draft law on the introduction of same-sex marriage.

“It seems that there is no chance of supporting President Andrzej Duda, so we will present it closer to the presidential elections,” he said.

Radio Plus journalist Jacek Prusinowski asked if there was a consensus on “same-sex marriage” in the ruling coalition itself. – Many things can change in our political reality. “There are many people in the civil coalition who support such a solution,” he said.

Also read:
Szydło: PSL has become a useless side dish for Tusk
Also read:
Are homosexual couples better than marriage? MP Lubczyk: Every child deserves love

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