Local self-government elections will be held on April 7 and 21. Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced this at a press conference.

– This is how we start the local government election calendar. I am in constant contact with local government representatives. After obtaining a positive conclusion from the National Election Commission, which is actually a formality, we will be able to participate in these elections, which are very important for the lives of local communities and ordinary people, he said.

PSL disrupts Tusk's plans

For several weeks, commentators have been debating whether the governing parties will decide to participate in the elections. This solution was proposed, by the way, by Tusk himself.

– As the Prime Minister of the October 15 coalition government, I am sure that it would be good to show that we are one united, solidary team, and if it were only up to me, I would prefer to make such a front, ie. As a coalition, he said.

However, he is not going to create a joint list with the Third Droga CoO and will take part in the elections separately. – The experience of the parliamentary elections showed that our tactics were correct. We gave the people a choice, including the third way, and thanks to that the October 15 coalition is now able to govern. The same will be true for local elections – we are really in favor of acting as a third way at the local council level – says Senator Maciej Żywno from Poland in an interview with 2050 Interia.

“shot in the knee”

Krzysztof Kosinski from PSLThe mayor of Ciechanov, however, admits that cooperation between the parties is possible in the nomination of candidates for the presidency or perhaps the mayor of the city.

– At the level of local councils, everything works as in parliamentary elections. Therefore, the joint list will be a shot in the arm, the senator emphasizes.

– We should end the discussion on one list, because there won't be any. One list is fairy tales, because we have already made direction decisions within PSL and Poland 2050,” he noted.

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After the meeting with Duda Tusk: what we observe is not serious
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(tags translated)Donald Tusk

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