Tusk is redeeming itself at a really fast pace.

withEstablished in 2018, the so-called Conference of Ambassadors of the Republic of PolandIt is staffed by people who previously held positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies University of Wroclaw (CSNE)which is an inter-faculty institution of the University of Wrocław, founded in 2002 as a joint project. UWr and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) prepared a “report”.

Among other things, they write about the need to establish Polish-German relations In the field of World War II reparations, based on three pillars:

1. Better care for victims of Nazi crimes still living in Poland,

2. Preparing a balance sheet of benefits that Polish victims received from Germany,

3. The embezzlement of funds used in the “reparations campaign” of the PiS party, led by the party deputy Arkadiusz Mularczyk!

In the study presented by both agencies, there were many critical remarks towards the former government. In it, we read, among other things, that the issue of war reparations raised by PiS “was an important element in building this party's political position against anti-German resentment and enemy-seeking.”

The issue of receiving “astronomical” reparations from Germany should have been used for the purposes of internal politics and “delinquency” of citizens. Experts believe that the actions taken by the United Right to receive reparations had no chance of success. They pointed out that after the breakthrough in Poland and the reunification of Germany (in 1991 and 2000), the agreements that guaranteed specific assistance to former concentration camp prisoners and forced laborers who were still alive at the time were deliberately devalued. ignored.

Moreover, the previous government was accused of ruining Polish-German relations and bringing them to a “dramatically low” level, as well as wasting public funds.


The height of the arrogance of the Germans and their Polish-language applause are the statements made in the “report” by the MP Arkadiusz Mularczyk's commission to report on Polish war losses.

Well, this “report” “cannot remain a source of knowledge about this tragic chapter of Polish-German history” because “it was based on a manipulated methodology and contains fundamental errors and inadequacies.”

The silence of MPs and Confederate sympathizers scattered across the net is appalling. We remember the not-so-distant hysteria that involved, among others, marking their avatars with a crossed-out number 447.

In the meantime, in a minute we can receive payments even for high-quality steel scrap, which the Germans left in large quantities in our territory, especially near Studziank…

In addition, stainless steel inserts in the stiffeners Pommernstellung (Pomeranian Coast), Festungsfront im Oder-Warthe Bogen (Międzyrzecz Fortified Area) etc., even a million tons.

Here is the property left by the Germans in our areas.

Meanwhile, Bodnar, Sienkiewicz, and soon Budka will do their best to distract us from the really important issues. We must have such a mess in the country that even the biggest Eurosceptic will not think to check what is happening in Brussels or Berlin.

Instead of compensating for the cost of destroying Warsaw and other cities, Tusk will take care of the 90+ old people living here and there.

It seems that Tusk is going to end the settlements issue exactly as he already said in Bitom – Because where do we get them from???


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